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 (prō-nĕf′rəs, -rŏs′)
n. pl. pro·neph·roi (-roi) or pro·neph·ra (-rə)
A kidneylike organ, being either part of the most anterior pair of three pairs of organs in a vertebrate embryo, disappearing early in the embryonic development of most vertebrates.

[pro- + Greek nephros, kidney.]

pro·neph′ric (-rĭk) adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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The RA was given on 8-10th of gestation, considered to be critical for developing kidney, since nephrogenic cords are reported to appear by 8th day and pronephric tubules and duct are observed to be suspended in the coelom by 10th day (Naseer & Tahir, 2012).
WT-1 gene mainly expresses in the progenitor cells of cap-stage mesenchymal and pronephric tubule aggregate during early metanephros development and then it will be confined to podocyte.
MRKH syndrome has been attributed to an initial affection of the intermediate mesoderm, consequently leading to an alteration of the blastema of the cervicothoracic somites and pronephric ducts (4,12).
Furthermore, the knockdown of miR-30a-5p phenocopied most of the pronephric defects observed after the global inhibition of miRNA biogenesis by the knockdown of Dicer and another key component, Dgcr8, in Xenopus (30).