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n. pl. pro·na·oi (-oi)
The inner area of the portico of a Greek or Roman temple, leading to the cella.

[Greek pronāos, before a temple, pronaos : pro-, before; see pro-2 + Greek dialectal nāos, temple.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Architecture) the inner area of the portico of a classical temple
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
A pronaos, naos and opisthodomos can also be discerned (entrance hall, cult room and back chamber respectively).
Planta do Forum de Augusto: A, Arco dei Pantani; B, Arco de Druso; C, Arco de Germanico; D, pronaos do Templo de Marte Vingador; E, cela do Templo de Marte Vingador; F, porticos; G, exedras maiores; H, exedras menores; I, Salao do Colosso (Shaya, 2013, p.
6, 2.1.1.) al pronaos. Estas caracteristicas, unidas a los dos toros de similar diametro y a la escocia escasamente desarrollada, son propias de epoca augustea o, a lo sumo, de las primeras decadas del s.
Asi pues, la clave de nuestra salvacion hunde sus raices en el aforismo grabado en el pronaos del templo de Apolo en Delfos: "Conocete a ti mismo", o mejor, "escucha tu pensamiento" en su incesante revelamiento, como prescribe el fragmento 50 de Heraclito segun la interpretacion heideggeriana.
Particularly interesting is the reference to the columns of the back room as possibly being Corinthian and the existence of two large windows in the pronaos for providing natural light for the cult statue (Korres 1994a: 176).
The longitudinal sections of Moldavian Orthodox churches along the west-east axis are called in Romanian pridvor (which may be absent), pronaos, naos and altar, but they do not exactly dovetail in size and function with their western counterparts, i.e.
In addition, the South wall of the Chapel XVII also shows a vertical crack, symmetric to the previous one with respect to the pronaos of the building.
After an introductory section (3.1) on the present state of the temple and its various occupants over time, as well as the building of the structure over its foundations, section 3.2 is a full account of the temple, working forward from the naos and its multiple rooms to the pronaos at the front of the edifice.