prohibition era

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Noun1.prohibition era - the period from 1920 to 1933 when the sale of alcoholic beverages was prohibited in the United States by a constitutional amendmentprohibition era - the period from 1920 to 1933 when the sale of alcoholic beverages was prohibited in the United States by a constitutional amendment
period, period of time, time period - an amount of time; "a time period of 30 years"; "hastened the period of time of his recovery"; "Picasso's blue period"
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The bar is styled to look just like a 1920s, Prohibition era speakeasy, with an antique till that is more than 110 years old.
1947: Al Capone (above), Chicago gang boss in the Prohibition era, died of a heart attack, days after suffering a stroke, aged 48.
1947: Al Capone, Chicago gang boss in the Prohibition era, died of a heart attack, days after suffering a stroke, aged 48.
He covers marijuana: politics, partisanship, and demagoguery; the victimless crime family; lessons from the Prohibition era; marijuana as medicine; a brief history of cannabis use and regulation; global marijuana regulation; recent legalization developments; and the conflict between federal and state marijuana laws.
Get the lowdown on the world of moonshine and bootlegging during America's infamous Prohibition era at a new attraction.
Although there was a significant 30 percent drop in alcohol consumption and a decline in drunken arrests, illegal production and sale of liquor, also known as bootlegging along with the rise in illegal drinking spots and mounting gang violence among other crimes faded the support for Prohibition. It was after that in early 1933 that Congress adopted a motion to revoke the 18th amendment and proposed the 21st Amendment, thus bringing the Prohibition era to a close.
Readers interested in social histories, Prohibition era events, Capone in particular or Chicago's evolution will find much to like about this survey of the city's underworld.
I felt as if we were stepping into an underground speakeasy from the prohibition era. The Art Deco theme, velvet chairs and dapper bar staff come together to make a special and intimate space to enjoy a memorable pre or post-dinner drink.
Rapidly growing since its debut in November 2015, the HOOCH App echoes the Prohibition Era speakeasies by creating a virtual cocktail society that helps members find the best bars to enjoy their favorite drinks, with close to 400 venues in nine markets in the US and internationally, at world renowned locations.
The combination of period detail and relatable characters makes this book appealing to teens with an interest in the Prohibition era.--Kirsten Pickel.
Set in Chicago during the Prohibition era, Black City Saint offers a wickedly unprecedented twist on the legend of Saint George and the Dragon, mixing history and mythology with mobsters, flappers, and Feirie.