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1. A sharp or tapered end: the point of a knife; the point of the antenna.
2. An object having a sharp or tapered end: a stone projectile point.
3. A tapering extension of land projecting into water; a peninsula, cape, or promontory.
4. A mark formed by or as if by a sharp end.
5. A mark or dot used in printing or writing for punctuation, especially a period.
6. A decimal point.
7. Linguistics A vowel point.
8. One of the protruding marks used in certain methods of writing and printing for the blind.
9. Mathematics
a. A dimensionless geometric object having no properties except location.
b. An element in a geometrically described set.
a. A place or locality considered with regard to its position: connections to Chicago and points west.
b. A narrowly particularized and localized position or place; a spot: The troops halted at a point roughly 1,000 yards from the river.
11. A specified degree, condition, or limit, as in a scale or course: the melting point of a substance.
a. Any of the 32 equal divisions marked at the circumference of a mariner's compass card that indicate direction.
b. The interval of 11°15′ between any two adjacent markings.
a. A distinct condition or degree: finally reached the point of exhaustion.
b. The interval of time immediately before a given occurrence; the verge: on the point of resignation; at the point of death.
14. A specific moment in time: At this point, we are ready to proceed.
15. An objective or purpose to be reached or achieved, or one that is worth reaching or achieving: What is the point of discussing this issue further?
16. The major idea or essential part of a concept or narrative: You have missed the whole point of the novel.
17. A significant, outstanding, or effective idea, argument, or suggestion: Your point is well taken.
18. A separate, distinguishing item or element; a detail: Diplomacy is certainly not one of his strong points. Your weak point is your constant need for approval.
19. A quality or characteristic that is important or distinctive, especially a standard characteristic used to judge an animal.
20. A single unit, as in counting, rating, or measuring.
a. A unit of academic credit usually equal to one hour of class work per week during one semester.
b. A numerical unit of academic achievement equal to a letter grade.
22. Sports & Games A unit of scoring or counting.
a. A unit equal to one dollar, used to quote or state variations in the current prices of stocks or commodities.
b. A unit equal to one percent, used to quote or state interest rates or shares in gross profits.
24. One percent of the total principal of a loan, paid up front to the lender and considered separately from the interest.
25. Music A phrase, such as a fugue subject, in contrapuntal music.
26. Printing A unit of type size equal to 0.01384 inch, or approximately 1/72 of an inch.
27. A jeweler's unit of weight equal to 2 milligrams or 0.01 carat.
a. The act or an instance of pointing.
b. The stiff and attentive stance taken by a hunting dog.
a. A reconnaissance or patrol unit that moves ahead of an advance party or guard, or that follows a rear guard.
b. The position occupied by such a unit or guard: A team of Rangers were walking point at the outset of the operation.
30. Sports
a. Either of two positions in ice hockey just inside the offensive zone near the boards, usually assumed by defenders attempting to keep the puck in the offensive zone.
b. Basketball A position in the forecourt beyond the top of the key, usually taken by the point guard.
c. In women's lacrosse, a defensive player who marks the opponent playing nearest to the goal (the first home).
a. An electrical contact, especially one in the distributor of an automobile engine.
b. Chiefly British An electrical socket or outlet.
32. points The extremities of an animal, such as a cat or horse, especially when they differ in color from the rest of the coat.
a. A movable rail, tapered at the end, such as that used in a railroad switch.
b. The vertex of the angle created by the intersection of rails in a frog or switch.
34. A ribbon or cord with a metal tag at the end, used to fasten clothing in the 16th and 17th centuries.
v. point·ed, point·ing, points
1. To direct or aim: point a weapon. See Synonyms at aim.
2. To bring (something) to notice: pointed out an error in their reasoning.
3. To indicate the position or direction of: pointed out the oldest buildings on the skyline.
4. To sharpen (a pencil, for example); provide with a point.
5. To separate with decimal points: pointing off the hundredths place in a column of figures.
6. To mark (text) with points; punctuate.
7. Linguistics To mark (a consonant) with a vowel point.
8. To give emphasis to; stress: comments that simply point up flawed reasoning.
9. To indicate the presence and position of (game) by standing immobile and directing the muzzle toward it. Used of a hunting dog.
10. To fill and finish the joints of (masonry) with cement or mortar.
1. To direct attention or indicate position with or as if with the finger.
2. To turn the mind or thought in a particular direction or to a particular conclusion: All indications point to an early spring.
3. To be turned or faced in a given direction; aim.
4. To indicate the presence and position of game. Used of a hunting dog.
5. Nautical To sail close to the wind.
beside the point
Irrelevant to the matter at hand.
in point
Having relevance or pertinence.
in point of
With reference to; in the matter of: In point of fact, I never lived at the address stated on the form.
make a point of
To consider or treat (an action or activity) as indispensable: made a point of visiting their niece on the way home.
stretch a point
To make an exception.
to the point
Concerning or with relevance to the matter at hand: remarks that were to the point; rambled and would not speak to the point.

[Middle English, partly from Old French point, prick, mark, moment (from Vulgar Latin *punctum, from Latin pūnctum, from neuter past participle of pungere, to prick) and partly from Old French pointe, sharp end (from Vulgar Latin *puncta, from Latin pūncta, from feminine past participle of pungere, to prick; see peuk- in Indo-European roots).]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. a dot or tiny mark
2. a location, spot, or position
3. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) any dot or mark used in writing or printing, such as a decimal point or a full stop
4. (Letters of the Alphabet (Foreign)) short for vowel point
5. the sharp tapered end of a pin, knife, etc
6. (Tools) a pin, needle, or other object having such a point
7. (Mathematics) maths
a. a geometric element having no dimensions and whose position in space is located by means of its coordinates
b. a location: point of inflection.
8. (Physical Geography) a promontory, usually smaller than a cape
9. a specific condition or degree
10. a moment: at that point he left the room.
11. an important or fundamental reason, aim, etc: the point of this exercise is to train new teachers.
12. an essential element or thesis in an argument: you've made your point; I take your point.
13. a suggestion or tip
14. a detail or item
15. an important or outstanding characteristic, physical attribute, etc: he has his good points.
16. (Zoology) a distinctive characteristic or quality of an animal, esp one used as a standard in judging livestock
17. (Zoology) (often plural) any of the extremities, such as the tail, ears, or feet, of a domestic animal
18. (Ballet) ballet (often plural) the tip of the toes
19. (General Sporting Terms) a single unit for measuring or counting, as in the scoring of a game
20. (Australian Rules Football) Australian rules football an informal name for behind11
21. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) printing a unit of measurement equal to one twelfth of a pica, or approximately 0.01384 inch. There are approximately 72 points to the inch
22. (Banking & Finance) finance
a. a unit of value used to quote security and commodity prices and their fluctuations
b. a percentage unit sometimes payable by a borrower as a premium on a loan
23. (Navigation) nautical
a. one of the 32 marks on the circumference of a compass card indicating direction
b. the angle of 11°15′ between two adjacent marks
c. a point on the horizon indicated by such a mark
24. (Cricket) cricket
a. a fielding position at right angles to the batsman on the off side and relatively near the pitch
b. a fielder in this position
25. (Gambling, except Cards) any of the numbers cast in the first throw in craps with which one neither wins nor loses by throwing them: 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10
26. (Automotive Engineering) either of the two electrical contacts that make or break the current flow in the distributor of an internal-combustion engine
27. (Railways) (often plural) Brit a junction of railway tracks in which a pair of rails can be moved so that a train can be directed onto either of two lines. US and Canadian equivalent: switch
28. (Historical Terms) (often plural) a piece of ribbon, cord, etc, with metal tags at the end: used during the 16th and 17th centuries to fasten clothing
29. (Games, other than specified) backgammon a place or position on the board
30. (Electrical Engineering)
a. short for power point
b. an informal name for socket2
31. (Military) an aggressive position adopted in bayonet or sword drill
32. (Military) military the position at the head of a body of troops, or a person in this position
33. (Hunting) the position of the body of a pointer or setter when it discovers game
34. (Boxing) boxing a mark awarded for a scoring blow, knockdown, etc
35. (Linguistics) any diacritic used in a writing system, esp in a phonetic transcription, to indicate modifications of vowels or consonants
36. (Jewellery) jewellery a unit of weight equal to 0.01 carat
37. the act of pointing
38. (Hockey (Field & Ice)) ice hockey the position just inside the opponents' blue line
39. beside the point not pertinent; irrelevant
40. case in point a specific, appropriate, or relevant instance or example
41. in point of in the matter of; regarding
42. make a point of
a. to make (something) one's regular habit
b. to do (something) because one thinks it important
43. not to put too fine a point on it to speak plainly and bluntly
44. on the point of at the point of at the moment immediately before a specified condition, action, etc, is expected to begin: on the point of leaving the room.
45. score points off to gain an advantage at someone else's expense
46. stretch a point
a. to make a concession or exception not usually made
b. to exaggerate
47. to the point pertinent; relevant
48. up to a point not completely
49. (usually foll by: at or to) to indicate the location or direction of by or as by extending (a finger or other pointed object) towards it: he pointed to the front door; don't point that gun at me.
50. (intr; usually foll by at or to) to indicate or identify a specific person or thing among several: he pointed at the bottle he wanted; all evidence pointed to Donald as the murderer.
51. (tr) to direct or cause to go or face in a specific direction or towards a place or goal: point me in the right direction.
52. (tr) to sharpen or taper
53. (Hunting) (intr) (of gun dogs) to indicate the place where game is lying by standing rigidly with the muzzle turned in its direction
54. (Building) (tr) to finish or repair the joints of (brickwork, masonry, etc) with mortar or cement
55. (Music, other) (tr) music to mark (a psalm text) with vertical lines to indicate the points at which the music changes during chanting
56. (Nautical Terms) to steer (a sailing vessel) close to the wind or (of a sailing vessel) to sail close to the wind
57. (Linguistics) (tr) phonetics to provide (a letter or letters) with diacritics
58. (Linguistics) (tr) to provide (a Hebrew or similar text) with vowel points
[C13: from Old French: spot, from Latin punctum a point, from pungere to pierce; also influenced by Old French pointe pointed end, from Latin pungere]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



1. a sharp or tapering end, as of a dagger.
2. a projecting part of anything: a point of land.
3. something having a sharp or tapering end (often used in combination): a penpoint.
4. something that has position but not extension, as the intersection of two lines.
b. an embossed dot used in printing for the blind.
6. See under decimal fraction.
7. a pointed tool or instrument, as an etching needle.
8. any of 32 separate horizontal directions on a compass, 11° 15~ apart.
9. a degree or stage: frankness to the point of insult.
10. a particular instant of time.
11. a critical position in a course of affairs.
12. the important or essential thing: the point of the matter.
13. an individual part or element of something: noble points in her character.
14. a distinguishing mark or quality of an animal, used as a standard in stockbreeding, judging, etc.
15. a diacritic, as a dot or line, indicating a vowel or modification of a sound in a writing system.
16. a stone implement with a tapering end found in some Middle and Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic industries, used primarily for hunting.
17. points,
a. the extremities of an animal, esp. a horse, dog, or cat.
b. markings on the extremities of an animal, as on the ears, feet, and tail, that contrast in color with the rest of the body.
18. points, Brit. a railroad switch.
19. a unit of count in the score of a game.
20. (in craps) the number that must be thrown to win but not including 7 or 11 on the first roll.
21. Ice Hockey. either of two positions, to the right or left of the goal, to which an attacking defenseman is assigned.
22. Basketball. a position in the rear of the front court, usu. taken by the point guard.
23. Cricket. the position of the fielder who plays in front of and to the offside of the batsman.
24. Chiefly Boxing. the end or tip of the chin.
a. the action of a hunting dog in locating game by direction of its head toward the game.
b. such a position taken by a hunting dog.
26. a branch of an antler of a deer: an eight-point buck.
27. Educ. a credit hour.
a. a unit of price quotation, as, in the U.S., one dollar in stock transactions.
b. one percent of gross profits or of the face value of a loan, paid to an investor as compensation or by a borrower as a fee.
29. Jewelry. a unit of weight equal to 1/100 of a carat.
30. Mil.
a. a patrol that goes ahead of the advance party, or, sometimes, follows the rear party.
31. Print. a unit of type measurement equal to 0.013835 inch (1/72 inch), or 1/12 pica.
32. a unit of measure of paper or card thickness, equal to 1/1000 of an inch.
34. one of the divisions of a heraldic shield by which the position of a charge is determined.
35. the act of pointing.
36. Archaic. a tagged ribbon or cord, formerly much used in dress, as for tying or fastening parts.
37. to direct (the finger, a weapon, the attention, etc.) at, to, or upon something.
38. to indicate the presence or position of (usu. fol. by out): to point out an object in the sky.
39. to direct attention to (usu. fol. by out): to point out advantages.
40. to furnish with a point; sharpen.
41. to mark with points, dots, or the like.
42. to mark (letters, as in Arabic or Hebrew) with diacritics.
43. to separate (figures) by dots or points (usu. fol. by off).
44. to give greater or added force to (often fol. by up): to point up the need for caution.
45. (of a hunting dog) to indicate the presence and location of (game) by standing rigid and facing toward the game.
46. Masonry. to fill the joints of (brickwork, stonework, etc.) with new mortar or cement.
47. to indicate position or direction, as with the finger.
48. to direct the mind or thought in some direction; call attention to: Everything points to their guilt.
49. to aim.
50. to have or signify a tendency toward something: Conditions point to inflation.
51. (of a hunting dog) to point game.
52. Naut. to sail close to the wind.
1. beside the point, irrelevant.
2. in point, pertinent; applicable: a case in point.
3. in point of, as regards; in reference to: in point of fact.
4. make a point of, to regard as important; insist upon.
5. on or at the point of, on the verge of; close to.
6. strain or stretch a point, to make a concession or exception.
7. to the point, relevant.
[1175–1225; Middle English point(e) < Old French point dot, mark, place, moment (< Latin pūnctum, n. use of neuter past participle of pungere to prick, stab) and pointe sharp end (< Medieval Latin pūncta, n. use of feminine past participle of Latin pungere)]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


A geometric object having no dimensions and no property other than its location. The intersection of two lines is a point.
The American Heritage® Student Science Dictionary, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


- "Sharp end" is the etymological notion underlying point, from Latin pungere, "pierce, prick."
See also related terms for pierce.
Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. 'point'

A point is something you say that expresses an idea, opinion, or fact.

That's a very good point.
I want to make a quick point about safety.

A point is also an aspect or detail of something, or a part of a person's character.

The two books have many points in common.
One of his best points is his confidence.
2. 'the point'

The point is the most important fact in a situation.

The point is that everyone is welcome to join.
I'll come straight to the point. You didn't get the job.

The point of doing something is the reason for doing it.

What was the point of asking him when you knew he'd say no?
I don't see the point of learning all this boring stuff.
3. 'no point'

If you say that there is no point in doing something, you mean that it has no purpose or will not achieve anything.

There's no point in talking to you if you won't listen.
There was not much point in thinking about it.

Be Careful!
Don't say 'there is no point to do' something or 'it is no point in doing' something.

4. 'full stop'

Don't refer to the punctuation mark (.) which comes at the end of a sentence as a 'point'. In British English, it is called a full stop. In American English, it is called a period.

Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012


Past participle: pointed
Gerund: pointing

I point
you point
he/she/it points
we point
you point
they point
I pointed
you pointed
he/she/it pointed
we pointed
you pointed
they pointed
Present Continuous
I am pointing
you are pointing
he/she/it is pointing
we are pointing
you are pointing
they are pointing
Present Perfect
I have pointed
you have pointed
he/she/it has pointed
we have pointed
you have pointed
they have pointed
Past Continuous
I was pointing
you were pointing
he/she/it was pointing
we were pointing
you were pointing
they were pointing
Past Perfect
I had pointed
you had pointed
he/she/it had pointed
we had pointed
you had pointed
they had pointed
I will point
you will point
he/she/it will point
we will point
you will point
they will point
Future Perfect
I will have pointed
you will have pointed
he/she/it will have pointed
we will have pointed
you will have pointed
they will have pointed
Future Continuous
I will be pointing
you will be pointing
he/she/it will be pointing
we will be pointing
you will be pointing
they will be pointing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been pointing
you have been pointing
he/she/it has been pointing
we have been pointing
you have been pointing
they have been pointing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been pointing
you will have been pointing
he/she/it will have been pointing
we will have been pointing
you will have been pointing
they will have been pointing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been pointing
you had been pointing
he/she/it had been pointing
we had been pointing
you had been pointing
they had been pointing
I would point
you would point
he/she/it would point
we would point
you would point
they would point
Past Conditional
I would have pointed
you would have pointed
he/she/it would have pointed
we would have pointed
you would have pointed
they would have pointed
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011


A unit of length, used especially by printers, approximately equal to 1⁄72 in.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.point - a geometric element that has position but no extensionpoint - a geometric element that has position but no extension; "a point is defined by its coordinates"
attracter, attractor - (physics) a point in the ideal multidimensional phase space that is used to describe a system toward which the system tends to evolve regardless of the starting conditions of the system
intersection, intersection point, point of intersection - a point where lines intersect
component, element, factor, ingredient, constituent - an abstract part of something; "jealousy was a component of his character"; "two constituents of a musical composition are melody and harmony"; "the grammatical elements of a sentence"; "a key factor in her success"; "humor: an effective ingredient of a speech"
intercept - the point at which a line intersects a coordinate axis
2.point - the precise location of something; a spatially limited location; "she walked to a point where she could survey the whole street"
location - a point or extent in space
punctum - (anatomy) a point or small area
optic disc, optic disk, blind spot - the point where the optic nerve enters the retina; not sensitive to light
belly button, bellybutton, navel, omphalos, omphalus, umbilicus - a scar where the umbilical cord was attached; "you were not supposed to show your navel on television"; "they argued whether or not Adam had a navel"; "she had a tattoo just above her bellybutton"
McBurney's point - a point one third of the way along a line drawn from the hip to the umbilicus; the point of maximum sensitivity in acute appendicitis
node - (physics) the point of minimum displacement in a periodic system
antinode - (physics) the point of maximum displacement in a periodic system
origin, source, root, rootage, beginning - the place where something begins, where it springs into being; "the Italian beginning of the Renaissance"; "Jupiter was the origin of the radiation"; "Pittsburgh is the source of the Ohio River"; "communism's Russian root"
celestial point - a point in the heavens (on the celestial sphere)
midpoint, centre, center - a point equidistant from the ends of a line or the extremities of a figure
crinion, trichion - point where the hairline meets the midpoint of the forehead
chokepoint - a point of congestion or blockage; "the bridge is always a chokepoint at rush hour"
corner - the point where two lines meet or intersect; "the corners of a rectangle"
crossing - a point where two lines (paths or arcs etc.) intersect
focus - a fixed reference point on the concave side of a conic section
geographic point, geographical point - a point on the surface of the Earth
ground zero - the point of detonation (or above or below) of a nuclear weapon
hot spot, hotspot - a point of relatively intense heat or radiation
midair - some point in the air; above ground level; "the planes collided in midair"
abutment - point of contact between two objects or parts
position, place - the particular portion of space occupied by something; "he put the lamp back in its place"
position - the appropriate or customary location; "the cars were in position"
pressure point - any of several points on the body where the pulse can be felt and where pressure on an underlying artery will control bleeding from that artery at a more distal point
military position, position - a point occupied by troops for tactical reasons
corner - the point where three areas or surfaces meet or intersect; "the corners of a cube"
place, spot, topographic point - a point located with respect to surface features of some region; "this is a nice place for a picnic"; "a bright spot on a planet"
vanishing point - the point beyond which something disappears or ceases to exist
focal point, focus - a point of convergence of light (or other radiation) or a point from which it diverges
hilum - the scar on certain seeds marking its point of attachment to the funicle
nidus, focal point, focus - a central point or locus of an infection in an organism; "the focus of infection"
3.point - a brief version of the essential meaning of something; "get to the point"; "he missed the point of the joke"; "life has lost its point"
meaning, signification, import, significance - the message that is intended or expressed or signified; "what is the meaning of this sentence"; "the significance of a red traffic light"; "the signification of Chinese characters"; "the import of his announcement was ambiguous"
bottom line - the decisive point
crux of the matter, crux - the most important point
rallying point - a point or principle on which scattered or opposing groups can come together
talking point - an especially persuasive point helping to support an argument or discussion
4.point - an isolated fact that is considered separately from the whole; "several of the details are similar"; "a point of information"
fact - a piece of information about circumstances that exist or events that have occurred; "first you must collect all the facts of the case"
minutia - a small or minor detail; "he had memorized the many minutiae of the legal code"
nook and cranny, nooks and crannies - something remote; "he explored every nook and cranny of science"
regard, respect - (usually preceded by `in') a detail or point; "it differs in that respect"
sticking point - a point at which an impasse arises in progress toward an agreement or a goal
technicality, trifle, triviality - a detail that is considered insignificant
5.point - a specific identifiable position in a continuum or series or especially in a process; "a remarkable degree of frankness"; "at what stage are the social sciences?"
state - the way something is with respect to its main attributes; "the current state of knowledge"; "his state of health"; "in a weak financial state"
ladder - ascending stages by which somebody or something can progress; "he climbed the career ladder"
acme, meridian, summit, tiptop, superlative, elevation, height, pinnacle, peak, top - the highest level or degree attainable; the highest stage of development; "his landscapes were deemed the acme of beauty"; "the artist's gifts are at their acme"; "at the height of her career"; "the peak of perfection"; "summer was at its peak"; "...catapulted Einstein to the pinnacle of fame"; "the summit of his ambition"; "so many highest superlatives achieved by man"; "at the top of his profession"
extent - the point or degree to which something extends; "the extent of the damage"; "the full extent of the law"; "to a certain extent she was right"
resultant, end point - the final point in a process
standard of life, standard of living - a level of material comfort in terms of goods and services available to someone or some group; "they enjoyed the highest standard of living in the country"; "the lower the standard of living the easier it is to introduce an autocratic production system"
plane - a level of existence or development; "he lived on a worldly plane"
state of the art - the highest degree of development of an art or technique at a particular time; "the state of the art in space travel"
ultimacy, ultimateness - the state or degree of being ultimate; the final or most extreme in degree or size or time or distance, "the ultimacy of these social values"
quickening - the stage of pregnancy at which the mother first feels the movements of the fetus
6.point - an instant of time; "at that point I had to leave"
quantity, measure, amount - how much there is or how many there are of something that you can quantify
distance - a remote point in time; "if that happens it will be at some distance in the future"; "at a distance of ten years he had forgotten many of the details"
particular date, date - a particular but unspecified point in time; "they hoped to get together at an early date"
deadline - the point in time at which something must be completed
arrival time, time of arrival - the time at which a public conveyance is scheduled to arrive at a given destination
departure time, time of departure - the time at which a public conveyance is scheduled to depart from a given point of origin
midterm - middle of an academic term or a political term in office
full term, term - the end of gestation or point at which birth is imminent; "a healthy baby born at full term"
midterm - the middle of the gestation period
moment, instant, minute, second - a particular point in time; "the moment he arrived the party began"
run-time - the time at which a (software or multimedia) program is run
commencement, get-go, offset, outset, showtime, starting time, beginning, start, kickoff, first - the time at which something is supposed to begin; "they got an early start"; "she knew from the get-go that he was the man for her"
middle - time between the beginning and the end of a temporal period; "the middle of the war"; "rain during the middle of April"
end, ending - the point in time at which something ends; "the end of the year"; "the ending of warranty period"
phase angle, phase - a particular point in the time of a cycle; measured from some arbitrary zero and expressed as an angle
show time - the point in time at which an entertainment (a movie or television show etc.) is scheduled to begin
then - that time; that moment; "we will arrive before then"; "we were friends from then on"
7.point - the object of an activity; "what is the point of discussing it?"
objective, aim, object, target - the goal intended to be attained (and which is believed to be attainable); "the sole object of her trip was to see her children"
8.point - a V shape; "the cannibal's teeth were filed to sharp points"
alpenstock - a stout staff with a metal point; used by mountain climbers
arrowhead - the pointed head or striking tip of an arrow
knife - a weapon with a handle and blade with a sharp point
pencil - a thin cylindrical pointed writing implement; a rod of marking substance encased in wood
sword, steel, blade, brand - a cutting or thrusting weapon that has a long metal blade and a hilt with a hand guard
widow's peak - a V-shaped point in the hairline in the middle of the forehead
cusp - small elevation on the grinding surface of a tooth
convex shape, convexity - a shape that curves or bulges outward
cone shape, conoid, cone - a shape whose base is a circle and whose sides taper up to a point
head - the tip of an abscess (where the pus accumulates)
9.point - a very small circular shapepoint - a very small circular shape; "a row of points"; "draw lines between the dots"
disk, saucer, disc - something with a round shape resembling a flat circular plate; "the moon's disk hung in a cloudless sky"
10.point - the unit of counting in scoring a game or contest; "he scored 20 points in the first half"; "a touchdown counts 6 points"
extra point, point after, point after touchdown - in American football a point awarded for a successful place kick following a touchdown
unit, unit of measurement - any division of quantity accepted as a standard of measurement or exchange; "the dollar is the United States unit of currency"; "a unit of wheat is a bushel"; "change per unit volume"
score - a number that expresses the accomplishment of a team or an individual in a game or contest; "the score was 7 to 0"
advantage - (tennis) first point scored after deuce
set point - (tennis) the final point needed to win a set in tennis
match point - (tennis) the final point needed to win a match (especially in tennis)
11.point - a promontory extending out into a large body of water; "they sailed south around the point"
foreland, headland, promontory, head - a natural elevation (especially a rocky one that juts out into the sea)
12.point - a distinct part that can be specified separately in a group of things that could be enumerated on a listpoint - a distinct part that can be specified separately in a group of things that could be enumerated on a list; "he noticed an item in the New York Times"; "she had several items on her shopping list"; "the main point on the agenda was taken up first"
list, listing - a database containing an ordered array of items (names or topics)
agenda item - one of the items to be considered
incidental - an item that is incidental
inventory item - an item listed in an inventory
line item - an item in an appropriation bill; "Some governors can veto line items in their state budgets"
news item - an item in a newspaper
position, place - an item on a list or in a sequence; "in the second place"; "moved from third to fifth position"
component part, part, portion, component, constituent - something determined in relation to something that includes it; "he wanted to feel a part of something bigger than himself"; "I read a portion of the manuscript"; "the smaller component is hard to reach"; "the animal constituent of plankton"
13.point - a style in speech or writing that arrests attention and has a penetrating or convincing quality or effect
relevance, relevancy - the relation of something to the matter at hand
14.point - an outstanding characteristic; "his acting was one of the high points of the movie"
characteristic - a distinguishing quality
15.point - sharp end; "he stuck the point of the knife into a tree"; "he broke the point of his pencil"
arrowhead - the pointed head or striking tip of an arrow
awl - a pointed tool for marking surfaces or for punching small holes
barb - a subsidiary point facing opposite from the main point that makes an arrowhead or spear hard to remove
barb - the pointed part of barbed wire
cusp - point formed by two intersecting arcs (as from the intrados of a Gothic arch)
diamond point - a very hard small point made from a diamond
ice pick, icepick - pick consisting of a steel rod with a sharp point; used for breaking up blocks of ice
knife - edge tool used as a cutting instrument; has a pointed blade with a sharp edge and a handle
needle - a sharp pointed implement (usually steel)
nib, pen nib - the writing point of a pen
pencil - a thin cylindrical pointed writing implement; a rod of marking substance encased in wood
pike - a sharp point (as on the end of a spear)
pin - a small slender (often pointed) piece of wood or metal used to support or fasten or attach things
pinpoint - the sharp point of a pin
spearpoint, spear-point, spearhead - the head and sharpened point of a spear
spike - each of the sharp points on the soles of athletic shoes to prevent slipping (or the shoes themselves); "the second baseman sharpened his spikes before every game"; "golfers' spikes damage the putting greens"
end, terminal - either extremity of something that has length; "the end of the pier"; "she knotted the end of the thread"; "they rode to the end of the line"; "the terminals of the anterior arches of the fornix"
16.point - any of 32 horizontal directions indicated on the card of a compasspoint - any of 32 horizontal directions indicated on the card of a compass; "he checked the point on his compass"
direction - the spatial relation between something and the course along which it points or moves; "he checked the direction and velocity of the wind"
cardinal compass point - one of the four main compass points
NbE, north by east - the compass point that is one point east (clockwise) of due north
NNE, nor'-nor'-east, north northeast - the compass point that is midway between north and northeast
NEbN, northeast by north - the compass point that is one point north of northeast
nor'-east, northeast, northeastward, NE - the compass point midway between north and east; at 45 degrees
NEbE, northeast by east - the compass point that is one point east of northeast
east northeast, ENE - the compass point midway between northeast and east
east by north, EbN - the compass point that is one point north of due east
east by south, EbS - the compass point that is one point south of due east
east southeast, ESE - the compass point midway between east and southeast
SEbE, southeast by east - the compass point that is one point east of southeast
sou'-east, southeast, southeastward, SE - the compass point midway between south and east; at 135 degrees
SEbS, southeast by south - the compass point that is one point south of southeast
sou'-sou'-east, south southeast, SSE - the compass point midway between south and southeast
SbE, south by east - the compass point that is one point east of due south
SbW, south by west - the compass point that is one point west of due south
sou'-sou'-west, south southwest, SSW - the compass point midway between south and southwest
southwest by south, SWbS - the compass point that is one point south of southwest
southwest, southwestward, sou'-west, SW - the compass point midway between south and west; at 225 degrees
southwest by west, SWbW - the compass point that is one point west of southwest
west southwest, WSW - the compass point midway between west and southwest
WbS, west by south - the compass point that is one point south of due west
WbN, west by north - the compass point that is one point north of due west
west northwest, WNW - the compass point midway between west and northwest
northwest by west, NWbW - the compass point that is one point west of northwest
northwestward, nor'-west, NW, northwest - the compass point midway between north and west; at 315 degrees
northwest by north, NWbN - the compass point that is one point north of northwest
NNW, nor'-nor'-west, north northwest - the compass point that is midway between north and northwest
NbW, north by west - the compass point that is one point west of due north
17.point - a linear unit used to measure the size of type; approximately 1/72 inch
linear measure, linear unit - a unit of measurement of length
pica em, em, pica - a linear unit (1/6 inch) used in printing
18.point - one percent of the total principal of a loan; it is paid at the time the loan is made and is independent of the interest on the loan
loan - the temporary provision of money (usually at interest)
19.point - a punctuation mark (.) placed at the end of a declarative sentence to indicate a full stop or after abbreviations; "in England they call a period a stop"
punctuation mark, punctuation - the marks used to clarify meaning by indicating separation of words into sentences and clauses and phrases
suspension point - (usually plural) one of a series of points indicating that something has been omitted or that the sentence is incomplete
20.point - a V-shaped mark at one end of an arrow pointer; "the point of the arrow was due north"
mark - a written or printed symbol (as for punctuation); "his answer was just a punctuation mark"
arrow, pointer - a mark to indicate a direction or relation
21.point - the dot at the left of a decimal fraction
mathematical notation - a notation used by mathematicians
22.point - the property of a shape that tapers to a sharp tip
taper - the property possessed by a shape that narrows toward a point (as a wedge or cone)
23.point - a distinguishing or individuating characteristic; "he knows my bad points as well as my good points"
characteristic - a distinguishing quality
selling point - a characteristic of something that is up for sale that makes it attractive to potential customers
24.point - the gun muzzle's directionpoint - the gun muzzle's direction; "he held me up at the point of a gun"
gun muzzle, muzzle - the open circular discharging end of a gun
25.point - a wall socket
electric outlet, electric receptacle, electrical outlet, wall plug, wall socket, outlet - receptacle providing a place in a wiring system where current can be taken to run electrical devices
Britain, Great Britain, U.K., UK, United Kingdom, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - a monarchy in northwestern Europe occupying most of the British Isles; divided into England and Scotland and Wales and Northern Ireland; `Great Britain' is often used loosely to refer to the United Kingdom
26.point - a contact in the distributor; as the rotor turns its projecting arm contacts them and current flows to the spark plugs
tangency, contact - (electronics) a junction where things (as two electrical conductors) touch or are in physical contact; "they forget to solder the contacts"
electrical distributor, distributer, distributor - electrical device that distributes voltage to the spark plugs of a gasoline engine in the order of the firing sequence
Verb1.point - indicate a place, direction, person, or thing; either spatially or figuratively; "I showed the customer the glove section"; "He pointed to the empty parking space"; "he indicated his opponents"
inform - impart knowledge of some fact, state or affairs, or event to; "I informed him of his rights"
point - indicate the presence of (game) by standing and pointing with the muzzle; "the dog pointed the dead duck"
finger - indicate the fingering for the playing of musical scores for keyboard instruments
call attention, point out, signalise, signalize - point out carefully and clearly
reflect - manifest or bring back; "This action reflects his true beliefs"
2.point - be oriented; "The weather vane points North"; "the dancers toes pointed outward"
lie - be located or situated somewhere; occupy a certain position
3.point - direct into a position for use; "point a gun"; "He charged his weapon at me"
aim, take aim, train, direct, take - point or cause to go (blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment) towards; "Please don't aim at your little brother!"; "He trained his gun on the burglar"; "Don't train your camera on the women"; "Take a swipe at one's opponent"
point - be positionable in a specified manner; "The gun points with ease"
4.point - direct the coursepoint - direct the course; determine the direction of travelling
dock - maneuver into a dock; "dock the ships"
sheer - cause to sheer; "She sheered her car around the obstacle"
pull over - steer a vehicle to the side of the road; "The car pulled over when the ambulance approached at high speed"
helm - be at or take the helm of; "helm the ship"
crab - direct (an aircraft) into a crosswind
navigate - direct carefully and safely; "He navigated his way to the altar"
stand out - steer away from shore, of ships
starboard - turn to the right, of helms or rudders
conn - conduct or direct the steering of a ship or plane
navigate, pilot - act as the navigator in a car, plane, or vessel and plan, direct, plot the path and position of the conveyance; "Is anyone volunteering to navigate during the trip?"; "Who was navigating the ship during the accident?"
canalise, canalize, channel - direct the flow of; "channel information towards a broad audience"
tree, corner - force a person or an animal into a position from which he cannot escape
park - maneuver a vehicle into a parking space; "Park the car in front of the library"; "Can you park right here?"
control, command - exercise authoritative control or power over; "control the budget"; "Command the military forces"
5.point - be a signal for or a symptom ofpoint - be a signal for or a symptom of; "These symptoms indicate a serious illness"; "Her behavior points to a severe neurosis"; "The economic indicators signal that the euro is undervalued"
augur, auspicate, bode, omen, portend, foreshadow, presage, prognosticate, predict, prefigure, betoken, forecast, foretell - indicate by signs; "These signs bode bad news"
mark - designate as if by a mark; "This sign marks the border"
tell - let something be known; "Tell them that you will be late"
6.point - sail close to the wind
navigation, pilotage, piloting - the guidance of ships or airplanes from place to place
sail - travel on water propelled by wind; "I love sailing, especially on the open sea"; "the ship sails on"
7.point - mark (Hebrew words) with diacritics
mark, tag, label - attach a tag or label to; "label these bottles"
8.point - mark with diacritics; "point the letter"
mark, tag, label - attach a tag or label to; "label these bottles"
9.point - mark (a psalm text) to indicate the points at which the music changes
mark, tag, label - attach a tag or label to; "label these bottles"
10.point - be positionable in a specified manner; "The gun points with ease"
point, level, charge - direct into a position for use; "point a gun"; "He charged his weapon at me"
be - have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun); "John is rich"; "This is not a good answer"
11.point - intend (something) to move towards a certain goal; "He aimed his fists towards his opponent's face"; "criticism directed at her superior"; "direct your anger towards others, not towards yourself"
address - direct a question at someone
aim, take aim, train, direct, take - point or cause to go (blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment) towards; "Please don't aim at your little brother!"; "He trained his gun on the burglar"; "Don't train your camera on the women"; "Take a swipe at one's opponent"
home in, range in, zero in - direct onto a point or target, especially by automatic navigational aids
12.point - indicate the presence of (game) by standing and pointing with the muzzle; "the dog pointed the dead duck"
point, indicate, designate, show - indicate a place, direction, person, or thing; either spatially or figuratively; "I showed the customer the glove section"; "He pointed to the empty parking space"; "he indicated his opponents"
13.point - give a point to; "The candles are tapered"
change form, change shape, deform - assume a different shape or form
acuminate - make sharp or acute; taper; make (something) come to a point
14.point - repair the joints of bricks; "point a chimney"
fix, furbish up, mend, repair, bushel, doctor, touch on, restore - restore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn or broken; "She repaired her TV set"; "Repair my shoes please"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. essence, meaning, subject, question, matter, heart, theme, import, text, core, burden, drift, thrust, proposition, marrow, crux, gist, main idea, nub, pith You have missed the main point of my argument.
2. purpose, aim, object, use, end, reason, goal, design, intention, objective, utility, intent, motive, usefulness What's the point of all these questions?
3. aspect, detail, feature, side, quality, property, particular, respect, item, instance, characteristic, topic, attribute, trait, facet, peculiarity, nicety The most interesting point about the village is its religion.
4. place, area, position, station, site, spot, location, locality, locale The town square is a popular meeting point for tourists.
5. moment, time, stage, period, phase, instant, juncture, moment in time, very minute At this point, Diana arrived.
6. stage, level, position, condition, degree, pitch, circumstance, extent It got to the point where he had to leave.
7. end, tip, sharp end, top, spur, spike, apex, nib, tine, prong the point of a knife
8. score, tally, mark Sort the answers out and add up the points.
9. headland, head, bill, cape, ness (archaic), promontory, foreland a long point of land reaching southwards into the sea
10. pinpoint, mark, spot, dot, fleck, speck a point of light in an otherwise dark world
1. aim, level, train, direct A man pointed a gun at them and pulled the trigger.
2. indicate, show, signal, point to, gesture towards They asked for directions and I pointed the way.
3. face, look, direct He controlled the car until it was pointing forwards again.
beside the point irrelevant, inappropriate, pointless, peripheral, unimportant, incidental, unconnected, immaterial, inconsequential, nothing to do with it, extraneous, neither here nor there, off the subject, inapplicable, not to the point, inapposite, without connection, inconsequent, not pertinent, not germane, not to the purpose Brian didn't like it, but that was beside the point.
in point of fact in fact, really, actually, truly, in reality, in truth, as a matter of fact, to tell the truth, in actual fact In point of fact, nobody really knows what happened.
on the point of something on the verge of, ready to, about to, just going to, on the brink of, just about to, all set to He was on the point of speaking when the phone rang.
point at or to something or someone indicate, point out, specify, designate, gesture towards I pointed at the boy sitting nearest me.
point of view
1. opinion, view, attitude, belief, feeling, thought, idea, approach, judgment, sentiment, viewpoint, way of thinking, way of looking at it His point of view is that money isn't everything.
2. perspective, side, position, stance, stand, angle, outlook, orientation, viewpoint, slant, standpoint, frame of reference Try to look at it from my point of view.
point something or someone out
1. identify, show, point to, indicate, finger (informal, chiefly U.S.), single out, call attention to, draw or call attention to She pointed him out to me as we drove past.
2. allude to, reveal, mention, identify, indicate, bring up, specify, draw or call attention to We all too easily point out other people's failings.
point something up emphasize, stress, highlight, underline, make clear, accent, spotlight, draw attention to, underscore, play up, accentuate, foreground, focus attention on, give prominence to, turn the spotlight on, bring to the fore, put emphasis on Politicians pointed up the differences between the two countries.
point to something
1. denote, reveal, indicate, show, suggest, evidence, signal, signify, be evidence of, bespeak (literary) All the evidence pointed to his guilt.
2. refer to, mention, indicate, specify, single out, touch on, call attention to Gooch pointed to their bowling as the key to their success.
to the point relevant, appropriate, apt, pointed, short, fitting, material, related, brief, suitable, applicable, pertinent, terse, pithy, apposite, apropos, germane The description he gave was brief and to the point.
Related words
fear aichurophobia
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. A sharp or tapered end:
2. A very small mark:
3. A particular portion of space chosen for something:
4. One of the units in a course, as on an ascending or descending scale:
Informal: notch.
5. A transitional interval beyond which some new action or different state of affairs is likely to begin or occur:
6. A particular interval of time that is limited and often crucial:
7. What one intends to do or achieve:
Idioms: end in view, why and wherefore.
8. What a speech, piece of writing, or artistic work is about:
9. The gist of a specific action or situation:
10. A course of reasoning:
11. An individually considered portion of a whole:
1. To move (a weapon or blow, for example) in the direction of someone or something:
Military: lay.
2. To call or direct attention to something:
3. To mark with punctuation:
phrasal verb
point out
1. To make known or identify, as by signs:
2. To call or direct attention to something:
advert, bring up, mention, point, refer, touch (on or upon).
phrasal verb
point to
1. To give grounds for believing in the existence or presence of:
2. To lead to by logical inference:
phrasal verb
point up
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
إحدى الجِهات عَلى البوصَلَهحَدّدَرَجَهصِفَه، ميزَهفائِدَه، هَدَف
atriîi, punktur, kjarniáttastrikbenda áeiginleiki, hliîinnstunga
사물의 뾰족한 끝사실위치(방향)를 가리키다점수
balasiešmasišdėstyti savo nuomonęiškyla reikalasištiesti pėdas


A. N
1. (Geom) (= dot) → punto m; (= decimal point) → punto m decimal, coma f
two point six (2.6)dos coma seis (2,6)
2. (on scale, thermometer) → punto m
boiling/freezing pointpunto de ebullición/congelación
the thermometer went up three pointsel termómetro subió tres grados
the index is down three pointsel índice bajó tres enteros
the shares went down two pointslas acciones bajaron dos enteros
3. (on compass) → cuarta f, grado m
from all points of the compassdesde los cuatro rincones del mundo
4. [of needle, pencil, knife etc] → punta f; [of pen] → puntilla f
to put a point on a pencilsacar punta a un lápiz
a star with five pointsuna estrella de cinco puntas
at the point of a sworda punta de espada
with a sharp pointpuntiagudo
not to put too fine a point on it (= frankly) → hablando sin rodeos
5. (= place) → punto m, lugar m
he had reached the point of resigninghabía llegado al punto de la dimisión
this was the low/high point of his careereste fue el momento más bajo/el momento cumbre de su carrera
at all pointspor todas partes, en todos los sitios
delivered free to all points in Spainentrega gratuita en cualquier punto de España
the train stops at Carlisle and all points southel tren para en Carlisle y todas las estaciones al sur
at this point (in space) → aquí, allí; (in time) → en este or aquel momento
when it comes to the pointen el momento de la verdad
when it came to the point of payingcuando llegó la hora de pagar ..., a la hora de pagar ...
there was no point of contact between themno existía ningún nexo de unión entre ellos
to be on or at the point of deathestar a punto de morir
point of departure (lit, fig) → punto m de partida
point of entry (into a country) → punto m de entrada, paso m fronterizo
from that point onde allí en adelante ...
to reach the point of no return (lit, fig) → llegar al punto sin retorno
to be on the point of doing sthestar a punto de hacer algo
abrupt to the point of rudenesstan brusco que resulta grosero
up to a point (= in part) → hasta cierto punto, en cierta medida
at the point where the road forksdonde se bifurca el camino
6. (= counting unit) (in Sport, test) → punto m
points againstpuntos mpl en contra
points forpuntos mpl a favor
to win on pointsganar por puntos
to give sth/sb points out of tendar a algo/algn un número de puntos sobre diez
to score ten pointsmarcar diez puntos
7. (= most important thing) the point is thatel caso es que ...
that's the whole point; that's just the point!¡eso es!, ¡ahí está!
the point of the joke/storyla gracia del chiste/cuento
to be beside the pointno venir al caso
it is beside the point thatno importa que + subjun
do you get the point?¿entiendes por dónde voy or lo que quiero decir?
to miss the pointno comprender
that's not the pointesto no viene al caso, no es eso
to get off the pointsalirse del tema
his remarks were to the pointsus observaciones venían al caso
an argument very much to the pointun argumento muy a propósito
that is hardly to the pointeso apenas hace al caso
to come or get to the pointir al grano
to get back to the pointvolver al tema
to keep or stick to the pointno salirse del tema
to speak to the point (= relevantly) → hablar acertadamente, hablar con tino
8. (= purpose, use) [of action, visit] → finalidad f, propósito m
it gave point to the argumenthizo ver la importancia del argumento
there's little point in telling himno merece la pena or no tiene mucho sentido decírselo
there's no point in stayingno tiene sentido quedarse
a long story that seemed to have no point at alluna larga historia que no parecía venir al caso en absoluto
to see the point of sthencontrar or ver sentido a algo, entender el porqué de algo
I don't see the point of or in doing thatno veo qué sentido tiene hacer eso
what's the point?¿para qué?, ¿a cuento de qué?
what's the point of or in trying?¿de qué sirve intentar?
9. (= detail, argument) → punto m
the points to remember arelos puntos a retener son los siguientes ...
to carry or gain or win one's pointsalirse con la suya
five-point planproyecto m de cinco puntos
to argue point by pointrazonar punto por punto
in point of facten realidad, el caso es que
I think she has a pointcreo que tiene un poco de razón
you've got or you have a point there!¡tienes razón!, ¡es cierto! (LAm)
the point at issueel asunto, el tema en cuestión
to make one's pointconvencer
you've made your pointnos has convencido
he made the following pointsdijo lo siguiente
to make the point thathacer ver or comprender que ...
to make a point of doing sth; make it a point to do sthponer empeño en hacer algo
on this pointsobre este punto
on that pointen cuanto a eso
on that point we agreesobre eso estamos de acuerdo
to differ on a pointno estar de acuerdo en un particular
to press the pointinsistir (that en que)
to stretch a pointhacer una excepción
I take your pointacepto lo que dices
point taken!¡de acuerdo!
point of viewpunto m de vista
from the point of view ofdesde el punto de vista de
to see or understand sb's point of viewcomprender el punto de vista de algn
to look at a matter from all points of viewconsiderar una cuestión bajo todos sus aspectos
to come round to sb's point of viewadoptar el criterio de algn
11. (= matter) → cuestión f
point of detaildetalle m
point of honourcuestión f or punto m de honor
point of interestpunto m interesante
point of lawcuestión f de derecho
point of ordercuestión f de procedimiento
a point of principleuna cuestión de principios
12. (= characteristic) → cualidad f
what points should I look for?¿qué puntos debo buscar?
bad pointscualidades fpl malas
good pointscualidades fpl buenas
he has his pointstiene algunas cualidades buenas
tact isn't one of his strong pointsla discreción no es uno de sus (puntos) fuertes
it was always his strong pointsiempre ha sido su punto fuerte
weak pointflaco m, punto m flaco, punto m débil
13. points (Brit) (Rail) → agujas fpl (Aut) → platinos mpl
14. (Brit) (Elec) (also power point) → toma f de corriente, tomacorriente m (S. Cone)
15. (Geog) → punta f, promontorio m, cabo m
16. (Typ) (= punctuation mark) → punto m
9 point black (Typ) → negritas fpl del cuerpo 9
17. (Ballet) (usu pl) → punta f
to dance on pointsbailar sobre las puntas
1. (= aim, direct) → apuntar (at a)
to point a gun at sbapuntar a algn con un fusil
to point one's finger at sth/sbseñalar con el dedo algo/a algn
to point one's toeshacer puntas
he pointed the car towards Londonpuso el coche rumbo a Londres
to point the finger at sbseñalar con el dedo a algn
2. (= indicate, show) → señalar, indicar
would you point me in the direction of the town hall?¿me quiere decir dónde está el ayuntamiento?
we pointed him in the right directionle indicamos el camino
to point the moral thatsubrayar la moraleja de que ...
to point the way (lit, fig) → señalar el camino
3. (Constr) [+ wall] → rejuntar
4. [+ text] → puntuar; [+ Hebrew etc] → puntar
1. (lit) → señalar
to point at or towards sth/sb (with finger) → señalar algo/a algn con el dedo
the car isn't pointing in the right directionel coche no va en la dirección correcta
it points (to the) northapunta hacia el norte
the hands pointed to midnightlas agujas marcaban las 12 de la noche
2. (fig) (= indicate) → indicar
everything points that waytodo parece indicarlo
this points to the fact thatesto indica que ...
the evidence points to herlas pruebas indican que ella es la culpable
everything points to his successtodo anuncia su éxito
everything points to the festival being a lively oneel festival se anuncia animado
to point to sth (= call attention to) → señalar algo
4. [dog] → mostrar la caza, parar
D. CPD point duty N (Brit) (Police) → control m de la circulación
to be on point dutydirigir la circulación or el tráfico
point of reference Npunto m de referencia
point of sale Npunto m de venta
points decision N (Boxing) → decisión f a los puntos
points failure N (Brit) (Rail) → fallo m en el sistema de agujas
points system N (gen) → sistema m de puntos (Aut) sistema de penalización por las infracciones cometidas por un conductor que puede llevar a determinadas sanciones (p. ej. la retirada del permiso de conducir)
points victory, points win Nvictoria f a los puntos
see also point-of-sale
point out VT + ADV
1. (= show) → señalar
to point out sth to sbseñalar algo a algn
2. (= explain) → señalar
to point out sb's mistakesseñalar los errores de algn
to point out thatseñalar que
to point out to sb the advantages of a carseñalar or hacer notar a algn las ventajas de tener coche
may I point out thatpermítaseme observar que ...
point up VT + ADVsubrayar, destacar
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(= tip) → pointe f
a pencil with a sharp point → un crayon à la pointe aiguisée
(in time)moment m
at that point → à ce moment-là
At that point, we decided to leave → À ce moment-là, nous avons décidé de partir.
at one point (= on one occasion) → à un moment donné
at some point (= sometime) → un jour
to be on the point of doing sth → être sur le point de faire qch
when it comes to the point (= in fact) → en fait
(in space) (= place) → endroit m
The train stops at Carlisle and all points south
BUT Le train dessert Carlisle et toutes les gares vers le sud.
to reach a point (fig)arriver à un stade
Need things ever reach that point? → Faut-il vraiment en arriver à ce stade?
[traveller] → point m de départ
(= starting point) → point m de départ
the point of departure for sth → le point de départ de qch
(on scale, line)point m
a point on the horizon → un point à l'horizon
the points of the compass → les points mpl cardinaux
to come from all points of the compass (= from all over the country) → venir des quatre coins du pays
up to a point (= to some extent) → jusqu'à un certain point
(also decimal point) 2 point 3 (2.3) → 2 virgule 3 (2,3)
(in game, competition)point m
They scored 5 points → Ils ont marqué cinq points.
[speaker, writer]
He illustrated his point with an anecdote → Il a illustré son argument par une anecdote.
my point is that ... → ce que je veux dire c'est que ...
This was a point I put to her in the interview → C'est un point que j'ai soulevé lors de l'interview.
that's a good point! → c'est vrai!
to make a point → mettre en avant un argument
The research made some valid points → Les recherches ont mis en avant plusieurs arguments pertinents.
We disagree with every point Mr Brown makes → Nous ne sommes d'accord avec aucun des arguments mis en avant par M. Brown.
He made some interesting points → Il a fait quelque remarques intéressantes.
Ok, you've made your point → D'accord, j'ai compris.
to come to the point → en venir au fait
He came straight to the point → Il en est venu directement au fait.
to get to the point → en venir au fait
I take your point → je vois ce que vous voulez dire
Yes, I see your point → Oui, je vois ce que vous voulez dire.
to have a point [person] (= be right) → avoir raison
You've got a point there! → Tu as raison!
to prove one's point → prouver qu'on a raison
to be beside the point (= irrelevant) → n'avoir rien à voir (= unimportant) → ne pas avoir d'importance
The fact that it's expensive is beside the point → Le fait que c'est cher n'a rien à voir.
Brian didn't like it, but that was beside the point → Ca ne plaisait pas à Brian, mais ça n'avait pas d'importance.
that's not the point (= irrelevant) → là n'est pas la question
(= benefit) there's no point → cela ne sert à rien
there's no point in doing ... → cela ne sert à rien de faire ...
There's no point in waiting → Cela ne sert à rien d'attendre.
what's the point? → à quoi bon?
What's the point of leaving so early? → À quoi bon partir si tôt?
I can't see the point → je ne vois pas l'intérêt
(= feature) [person, thing] → point m
to have points in common → avoir des points communs
the most interesting point about it is ... → son aspect le plus intéressant est ...
bad points [person] → mauvais côtés mpl
good points (= virtues) [person] → qualités fpl strong point
to make a point of doing sth → ne pas manquer de faire qch
to get the point (= understand) → comprendre, saisir
Sorry, I don't get the point → Désolé, je ne comprends pas.
to miss the point (= fail to understand) → ne pas comprendre, ne pas saisir
You've all missed the point entirely → Vous n'avez rien compris.
that's the whole point! → précisément!
in point of fact → en fait, en réalité
(British) (also power point) → prise f
(= show) [+ way] → indiquer
to point the way forward → montrer la voie
[+ wall, window] → jointoyer
[+ gun] → braquer
to point sth at sb [+ finger, stick] → pointer qch vers qn
to point a gun at sb → braquer un revolver sur qn
(COMPUTING) point your browser at .... → rendez vous sur le site ...
[person] → montrer du doigt
Don't point! → Ne montre pas du doigt!
to point at sb/sth → montrer qn/qch du doigt
She pointed at Anne → Elle a montré Anne du doigt.
to point to sth → montrer qch du doigt
to point to sth [needle, clock hand, indicator] → indiquer qch; [sign] → indiquer qch
to point north → indiquer le nord
to point forwards [vehicle] → être tourné(e) vers l'avant points
(in engine)vis platinées
(on railway line)aiguillage m
point out
vt sep
[+ object, place] → montrer
The guide pointed out Notre-Dame to us → Le guide nous a montré Notre-Dame.
[+ fact] → signaler
to point out that ... → faire remarquer que ...
I should point out that → Je dois vous faire remarquer que ...
She pointed out that he was wrong → Elle a fait remarquer qu'il avait tort.
point to
vt fus
(= suggest) → indiquer
The announcement points to possible redundancies → L'annonce indique la possibilité de suppressions d'emploi.
Her questions point to a desire to know the truth → Ses questions montrent qu'elle veut savoir la vérité.
(= point out) → faire remarquerpoint-and-click [ˌpɔɪntənˈklɪk] adjpointer-cliquer invpoint-blank [ˌpɔɪntˈblæŋk]
adj [refusal] → catégorique
[refuse] → catégoriquement; [ask] → à brûle-pourpoint
[shoot] → à bout portantpoint-by-point [ˌpɔɪntbaɪˈpɔɪnt] adjméthodiquepoint duty n (British) to be on point duty [policeman] → régler la circulation
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


= sharp end of chin, needleSpitze f; (of a star)Zacke f; (of antler)(Geweih)ende nt, → (Geweih)spitze f; at the point of a gun/swordmit vorgehaltener Pistole/vorgehaltenem Schwert; things look different at the point of a gunalles sieht ein bisschen anders aus, wenn einem jemand die Pistole auf die Brust setzt ? fine
= marker on scale, compass → Punkt m; (on thermometer) → Grad m; from all points (of the compass)aus allen (Himmels)richtungen
? up to a pointbis zu einem gewissen Grad or Punkt
= unit, score in test, competition, St Ex etc → Punkt m; points for/againstPlus-/Minuspunkte pl; points decisionEntscheidung fnach Punkten; points winPunktsieg m, → Sieg mnach Punkten; to win on pointsnach Punkten gewinnen; points systemPunktesystem nt
= dot, punctuation mark Typ, Geometry → Punkt m; (in Hebrew texts) → Vokalzeichen nt; (nought) point seven (0.7)null Komma sieben (0,7)
= place, timePunkt m, → Stelle f; the northernmost point of Scotlandder nördlichste Punkt Schottlands; the train stops at Slough and all points eastder Zug hält in Slough und allen Orten östlich davon; at this point (spatially) → an dieser Stelle, an diesem Punkt; (in time) (= then)in diesem Augenblick; (= now)jetzt; from that point on they were friendsvon da an waren sie Freunde; at what point …?an welcher Stelle …?; at no pointnie; at no point in the booknirgends in dem Buch, an keiner Stelle des Buches; they provoked him to the point where he lost his tempersie reizten ihn so lange, bis er die Geduld verlor
? point of + NOUN point of entry (over border) → Ort mder Einreise; point of departure (lit, fig)Ausgangspunkt m; to be at the point of deatham Rande or an der Schwelle des Todes stehen; severe to the point of crueltystreng bis an die Grenze der Grausamkeit; to reach the point of no return (fig)den Punkt erreichen, von dem an es kein Zurück gibt; point of viewStandpunkt m, → Gesichtspunkt m; from my point of viewvon meinem Standpunkt aus, aus meiner Perspektive or Sicht; from the point of view of productivityvon der Produktivität her gesehen
? point of + -ing to be on the point of doing somethingim Begriff sein, etw zu tun; he was on the point of telling me the story when …er wollte mir gerade die Geschichte erzählen, als …; he had reached the point of resigninger war nahe daran, zu resignieren; she was indulgent to the point of spoiling the childsie war nachgiebig in einem Maße, das schon in Verwöhnung des Kindes umschlug
= matter, questionPunkt m; on this point we are agreedin diesem Punkt stimmen wir überein; the point at issueder strittige Punkt; a 12-point planein Zwölfpunkteplan m; a useful pointein nützlicher Hinweis; point by pointPunkt für Punkt; a point by point comparisonein Vergleich Punkt für Punkt; my point was …was ich sagen wollte, war …; you have a point theredarin mögen Sie recht haben, da ist etwas dran (inf); he may have a point, you knowda kann er recht haben, weißt du; can I put that same point another way?kann ich das noch einmal anders formulieren?; would you put that point more succinctly?können Sie das etwas knapper fassen?; to gain or carry one’s pointsich durchsetzen
? to make a/one’s pointein/sein Argument ntanbringen or vorbringen; he made the point that …er betonte, dass …; you’ve made your point!wissen wir ja schon!, das hast du ja schon gesagt!; the chairman gave him just 30 seconds to make his pointder Vorsitzende gab ihm nur 30 Sekunden, um sein Argument zu erläutern; he makes his points very clearlyer bringt seine Argumente sehr klar vor; what point are you trying to make?worauf wollen Sie hinaus?; if I may make another pointwenn ich noch auf einen weiteren Punkt aufmerksam machen darf
? to take the/sb’s point I take your point, point takenich akzeptiere, was Sie sagen; (in exasperation) → ich habe schon begriffen; do you take my point?verstehst du mich?
? point of + NOUN a point of detaileine Einzelfrage; a point of interestein interessanter Punkt; a point of laweine Rechtsfrage; a point of principleeine grundsätzliche Frage ? honour, order
= crux, main issue the point is that …es ist nämlich so …, die Sache ist die, dass …; that’s the whole pointdas ist es ja gerade; that’s the whole point of doing it this waygerade darum machen wir das so; but the pound has been devalued — that’s the whole point, your mark is worth more!aber das Pfund wurde doch abgewertetgenau! deshalb ist die Mark jetzt mehr wert; the point of the joke/storydie Pointe; that’s not the pointdarum geht es nicht; his remarks are very much to the pointseine Bemerkungen sind sehr sachbezogen
? to get or see the pointverstehen, worum es geht; do you see the point of what I’m saying?weißt du, worauf ich hinauswill?
? to miss the pointnicht verstehen, worum es geht; he missed the point of what I was sayinger hat nicht begriffen, worauf ich hinauswollte
? to come to the pointzur Sache kommen; when it comes to the pointwenn es darauf ankommt
? to keep or stick to the pointbeim Thema bleiben
? beside the pointunerheblich, irrelevant; I’m afraid that’s beside the pointdas ist nicht relevant, das gehört nicht hierher
? a case in pointein einschlägiger Fall; the case in pointder zur Debatte stehende Punkt
? to make a point of doing sthWert darauf legen, etw zu tun; he made a special point of being earlyer legte besonderen Wert darauf, früh da zu sein; we make a point of stressing colloquial usagewir legen besonderen Nachdruck auf die Umgangssprache
= purpose, useZweck m, → Sinn m; there’s no point in stayinges hat keinen Zweck or Sinn zu bleiben; I don’t see the point of carrying on/changing our system nowich sehe keinen Sinn darin, weiterzumachen/unser System jetzt zu ändern; what’s the point?was solls?; I just don’t see the point of it or any point in itdas sehe ich überhaupt nicht ein, ich sehe überhaupt keinen Sinn darin; the point of this is …Sinn und Zweck ist davon …; what’s the point of trying?wozu (es) versuchen?; he doesn’t understand the point of doing thiser versteht nicht, weswegen wir/sie etc das machen; the news gave point to his argumentsdie Nachrichten verliehen seinen Argumenten Nachdruck or Gewicht; life has lost its pointdas Leben hat jeden Sinn or all seinen Sinn verloren
= characteristic good/bad pointsgute/schlechte Seiten pl; he has his good pointser hat auch gute Seiten or seine guten Seiten; the points to look for when buying a new cardie Punkte or Dinge, auf die man beim Kauf eines neuen Wagens achten muss
Elec (Brit) → Steckdose f
Aut → Unterbrecherkontakte pl
Ballet → Spitzen pl; to dance on pointsSpitzentanz mmachen, auf den Spitzen tanzen
Rail Brit → Weichen pl
= aim, direct gun, telescope etcrichten (→ at auf +acc); he pointed his stick in the direction of the houseer zeigte or wies mit dem Stock auf das Haus; he pointed his boat upstreamer drehte sein Boot stromaufwärts; they pointed the drunk off in the right directionsie schickten den Betrunkenen in die richtige Richtung ? finger
= mark, showzeigen; to point the way (lit, fig)den Weg weisen; that really pointed the moraldas bewies, wie recht wir/sie etc hatten; he used the decline in the company’s profits to point the moral that …er nahm das Absinken der Firmengewinne zum Anlass zu betonen, dass …
Build wall, brickworkverfugen, ausfugen
= punctuate textinterpunktieren; Hebrewvokalisieren; psalmmit Deklarationszeichen versehen
Hunt gameanzeigen
with finger etc → zeigen, deuten (→ at, to auf +acc); it’s rude to point (at strangers)es ist unhöflich, mit dem Finger (auf Fremde) zu zeigen; don’t point!zeig nicht mit dem Finger!; he pointed toward(s) the house/back towards the houseer zeigte or deutete zum Haus/zurück zum Haus; the compass needle points (to the) northdie Kompassnadel zeigt or weist nach Norden
= indicate facts, eventshinweisen, hindeuten (→ to auf +acc); (person: = point out) → hinweisen; everything points that wayalles weist in diese Richtung; the problems which you have pointed to in your paperdie Probleme, auf die du in deinem Aufsatz hingewiesen hast or die du in deinem Aufsatz aufgezeigt hast; the poet doesn’t state, he points in certain directionsder Dichter trifft keine Feststellungen, er deutet bestimmte Richtungen an; all the signs point to successalle Zeichen stehen auf Erfolg; all the signs point to economic recoveryalles deutet or weist auf eine Erholung der Wirtschaft hin
= be aimed gun, vehicle etcgerichtet sein; (= face, be situated: building, valley) → liegen; with his gun pointed or pointing right at me, he said …die Pistole direkt auf mich gerichtet, sagte er …; the wheels aren’t pointing in the same directiondie Räder zeigen nicht in dieselbe Richtung; in which direction is it pointing?in welche Richtung zeigt es?
Hunt → (vor)stehen
? point out vt sep
(= show)zeigen auf (+acc); to point something out to somebodyjdn auf etw hinweisen, jdn auf etw aufmerksam machen; could you point him out to me?kannst du mir zeigen, wer er ist?; I’ll point him outich zeige ihn dir; the guide pointed out the most interesting paintingsder Führer machte auf die interessantesten Gemälde aufmerksam
(= mention) to point something out (to somebody)(jdn) auf etw (acc)aufmerksam machen, (jdn) auf etw (acc)hinweisen; may I point out that …?darf ich darauf aufmerksam machen or darauf hinweisen, dass …?; thank you for pointing that out to mevielen Dank, dass Sie mich darauf aufmerksam gemacht haben

? point up vt sep (= emphasize)unterstreichen, betonen; (= make clear)veranschaulichen, verdeutlichen
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. n
a. (dot, punctuation mark) (Geom) → punto; (decimal point) → virgola
2 point 6 (2.6) → 2 virgola 6 (2,6)
b. (on scale, compass) → punto
freezing point → punto di congelamento
from all points of the compass → da tutte le parti del mondo
up to a point (fig) → fino a un certo punto
c. (of needle, pencil, knife) → punta
on points (Ballet) → sulle punte
at the point of a gun/sword → sotto la minaccia di un fucile/una spada
not to put too fine a point on it (fig) → parlando chiaro
d. (place) → punto
the train stops at Carlisle and all points south → il treno ferma a Carlisle e in tutte le stazioni a sud di Carlisle
point of contact → punto d'incontro
point of departure (also) (fig) → punto di partenza
at this point (spatially) → in questo punto (in time) → a questo punto
from that point on (in time) → da quel momento in poi (in space) → da quel punto in poi
to be on the point of doing sth → essere sul punto di or stare (proprio) per fare qc
when it comes to the point → quando si arriva al dunque
when it came to the point of leaving → quando giunse il momento di partire
abrupt to the point of rudeness → brusco al punto di essere villano
e. (counting unit) (Sport) (in test) (Stock Exchange) → punto
to win on points → vincere ai punti
the index is down 3 points → l'indice è sceso di 3 punti
f. (purpose) → scopo, motivo; (matter) → questione f, argomento; (main idea, important part, of argument, joke) → nocciolo
there's no point in staying → è inutile or non ha senso restare
I don't see or get the point (of joke) → mi sfugge
I don't see the point of or in doing that → non vedo il motivo di farlo
the point is that ... → il fatto è che...
that's the whole point! → precisamente!, sta tutto lì!
the point at issue → l'argomento in discussione or questione
a 5-point plan → un piano articolato in 5 punti
she described the process point by point → descrisse il processo punto per punto
in point of fact → a dire il vero
to be beside the point → non entrarci
to get off the point → divagare
to come or get to the point → venire al punto or al dunque
to keep or stick to the point → restare in argomento
to make a point of doing sth → non mancare di fare qc
to make a point → fare un'osservazione
to make one's point → dimostrare la propria tesi
I take your point → so che hai ragione
to win one's point → averla vinta
to stretch a point → fare uno strappo (alla regola) or un'eccezione
his remarks were to the point → le sue osservazioni erano pertinenti or a proposito
you've got a point there! → giusto!, hai ragione!
I missed the point of that joke → non ho afferrato quella battuta
you've missed the whole point! → non hai capito niente!
a point of principle → una questione di principio
g. (characteristic) → caratteristica, qualità f inv
good/bad points → lati positivi/negativi
tact isn't one of his strong points → il tatto non è il suo forte
what points should I look for? → a cosa devo stare attento?
h. (Brit) (Rail) points nplscambio msg
i. (Aut) points nplpuntine fpl
j. (Brit) (Elec) (also power point) → presa (di corrente)
2. vt
a. (aim, direct, gun, hosepipe) to point sth (at sb/sth)puntare qc (contro or su qn/qc)
she pointed the car at the gap in the traffic → diresse la macchina verso un varco nel traffico
to point one's finger at sb → indicare qn con il dito, additare
to point one's toes → stendere il piede
b. (indicate, show) → indicare, mostrare
to point the way (also) (fig) → indicare la strada or la direzione da seguire
c. (Constr) → riempire gli interstizi di
3. vi
a.indicare (con il dito), additare
to point at or to or towards sth/sb → indicare qc/qn
b. (indicate, signpost, hand) → indicare, segnare
everything points to him being guilty → tutti gli indizi fanno pensare che sia colpevole
it points (to the) north (compass needle) → segna or indica il nord
this points to the fact that ... → questo fa pensare che...
point out vt + adv
a. (show) → additare, indicare
b. (mention) → far notare
point up vt + advsottolineare, mettere in evidenza
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(point) noun
1. the sharp end of anything. the point of a pin; a sword point; at gunpoint (= threatened by a gun).
2. a piece of land that projects into the sea etc. The ship came round Lizard Point.
3. a small round dot or mark (.) a decimal point; five point three six (= 5.36); In punctuation, a point is another name for a full stop.
4. an exact place or spot. When we reached this point of the journey we stopped to rest.
5. an exact moment. Her husband walked in at that point.
6. a place on a scale especially of temperature. the boiling-point of water.
7. a division on a compass eg north, south-west etc.
8. a mark in scoring a competition, game, test etc. He has won by five points to two.
9. a particular matter for consideration or action. The first point we must decide is, where to meet; That's a good point; You've missed the point; That's the whole point; We're wandering away from the point.
10. (a) purpose or advantage. There's no point (in) asking me – I don't know.
11. a personal characteristic or quality. We all have our good points and our bad ones.
12. an electrical socket in a wall etc into which a plug can be put. Is there only one electrical point in this room?
1. to aim in a particular direction. He pointed the gun at her.
2. to call attention to something especially by stretching the index finger in its direction. He pointed (his finger) at the door; He pointed to a sign.
3. to fill worn places in (a stone or brick wall etc) with mortar.
ˈpointed adjective
having a sharp end. a pointed nose; pointed shoes.
ˈpointer noun
1. a long stick used to indicate places on a large map etc.
2. an indicator on a dial. The pointer is on/at zero.
3. a hint; a suggestion. Give me some pointers on how to do it.
ˈpointless adjective
having no meaning or purpose. a pointless journey.
ˈpointlessly adverb
points noun plural
1. a movable section of rails which allow a train to cross over other lines or pass from one line to another. The points had to be changed before the train could continue.
2. the solid tips in the toes of ballet shoes. She can dance on her points.
be on the point of
to be about to (do something). I was on the point of going out when the telephone rang.
come to the point
1. (also get to the point) to reach the most important consideration in a conversation etc. He talked and talked but never came to the point.
2. (only with it as subject) to arrive at the moment when something must be done. He always promises to help, but when it comes to the point he's never there.
make a point of
to be especially careful to (do something). I'll make a point of asking her today.
make one's point
to state one's opinion persuasively.
point out
to indicate or draw attention to. He pointed out his house to her; I pointed out that we needed more money.
point one's toes
to stretch the foot out, shaping the toes into a point, when dancing etc.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


حَدّ, نُقْطَة, يُشِيرُ إِلى bod, jádro věci, špička, ukázat pege, point, pointe, spids Punkt, Sinn, Spitze, zeigen δείχνω, μύτη, σημείο punta, punto, señalar asian ydin, kärki, osoittaa, piste montrer du doigt, point, pointe bod, poanta, uprijeti, vrh punta, puntare, punto, 得点, 指し示す, 要点 사물의 뾰족한 끝, 사실, 위치(방향)를 가리키다, 점수 punt, wijzen peke, poeng, spiss punkt, szpic, wskazać apontar, ponta, ponto, ponto de vista мысль, острие, очко, указывать peka, poäng, punkt, spets ความคิดเห็น, คะแนน, ชี้, ปลายแหลม göstermek, nokta, chỉ, điểm, mũi , , 指向,
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. punto, punta.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


n (anat) punto; — of care testing pruebas en el lugar de atención, pruebas a la cabecera del paciente
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
and, consequently, at what moment ought it to be discharged in order that it may touch the moon at a particular point?
As Carthoris alone knew the hidden ways of the tunnels we could not divide the party and attack the temple at several points at once as would have been most desirable, and so it was decided that he lead us all as quickly as possible to a point near the temple's centre.
And certainly there is a great difference, between a cunning man, and a wise man; not only in point of honesty, but in point of ability.
The case of America alone would almost suffice to prove its truth: for if we exclude the northern parts where the circumpolar land is almost continuous, all authors agree that one of the most fundamental divisions in geographical distribution is that between the New and Old Worlds; yet if we travel over the vast American continent, from the central parts of the United States to its extreme southern point, we meet with the most diversified conditions; the most humid districts, arid deserts, lofty mountains, grassy plains, forests, marshes, lakes, and great rivers, under almost every temperature.
The point in discussion was the question then in vogue: Is there a line to be drawn between psychological and physiological phenomena in man?
Disquieting Rumors From the Interior.- Reconnoitring Party- Preparations for a Trading Post.- An Unexpected Arrival - A Spy in the Camp.- Expedition Into the Interior- Shores of the Columbia - Mount Coffin.- Indian Sepulchre.- The Land of Spirits- Columbian Valley- Vancouver's Point.-Falls and Rapids.- A Great Fishing Mart.- The Village of Wishram.
He had the brute's eyes to guide his point, and, as true as the sword hand of his mighty sire, his guided the keen point to one of those blazing orbs, even as he leaped lightly to one side.
There were six of us, in two boats, and to avoid suspicion we ran down after dark and dropped anchor under a projecting bluff of land known as Point Pinole.
An elderly sergeant who had approached the officer while he was giving these explanations had waited in silence for him to finish speaking, but at this point, evidently not liking the officer's remark, interrupted him.
A crowd of men, women, and children, was collected on the memorable Point Venus, ready to receive us with laughing, merry faces.
There must come a point where these two attractions would neutralize each other: the projectile would possess weight no longer.
We ought, before long, to settle this important point. The Nautilus went at a rapid pace.