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Past participle: canalised
Gerund: canalising

I canalise
you canalise
he/she/it canalises
we canalise
you canalise
they canalise
I canalised
you canalised
he/she/it canalised
we canalised
you canalised
they canalised
Present Continuous
I am canalising
you are canalising
he/she/it is canalising
we are canalising
you are canalising
they are canalising
Present Perfect
I have canalised
you have canalised
he/she/it has canalised
we have canalised
you have canalised
they have canalised
Past Continuous
I was canalising
you were canalising
he/she/it was canalising
we were canalising
you were canalising
they were canalising
Past Perfect
I had canalised
you had canalised
he/she/it had canalised
we had canalised
you had canalised
they had canalised
I will canalise
you will canalise
he/she/it will canalise
we will canalise
you will canalise
they will canalise
Future Perfect
I will have canalised
you will have canalised
he/she/it will have canalised
we will have canalised
you will have canalised
they will have canalised
Future Continuous
I will be canalising
you will be canalising
he/she/it will be canalising
we will be canalising
you will be canalising
they will be canalising
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been canalising
you have been canalising
he/she/it has been canalising
we have been canalising
you have been canalising
they have been canalising
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been canalising
you will have been canalising
he/she/it will have been canalising
we will have been canalising
you will have been canalising
they will have been canalising
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been canalising
you had been canalising
he/she/it had been canalising
we had been canalising
you had been canalising
they had been canalising
I would canalise
you would canalise
he/she/it would canalise
we would canalise
you would canalise
they would canalise
Past Conditional
I would have canalised
you would have canalised
he/she/it would have canalised
we would have canalised
you would have canalised
they would have canalised
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.canalise - provide (a city) with a canal
furnish, provide, supply, render - give something useful or necessary to; "We provided the room with an electrical heater"
2.canalise - direct the flow of; "channel information towards a broad audience"
channelise, channelize, guide, maneuver, steer, manoeuver, manoeuvre, point, head, direct - direct the course; determine the direction of travelling
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Summary: Chandigarh (Punjab) [India], Aug 22 (ANI): Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh on Thursday announced that his government would canalise all the rivers of the state, taking technical support from the World Bank (WB) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB).
Additionally, troops are regularly conducting long-range patrols, raids and ambushes to canalise and take out fleeing insurgents.
Loin de songer a gagner de l'argent en utilisant des methodes mafieuses ou autres comme le font certains sans scrupule qui font dans le braquage et la hogra en imposant leur grand gabarit et force musculaire, Zared canalise toute son energie dans les travaux forces de son quotidien et trouve aussi le moyen de pratiquer le powerlifting dans l'unique salle de sa localite en attendant des jours meilleurs.
A proper drainage system was constructed to canalise and take away water, which was one of the most damaging causes of deterioration for the Tower/Citadel.
Email: is a consequence of the failure of the tube to canalise during development, in contrast to a lot of other intestinal anomalies that are the result of vascular disabilities.4
Un enfant qui fait, par exemple, un caprice pour rester devant la tele, doit pouvoir etre canalise par un parent qui ne cedera pas au caprice de l'enfant.
Les cargaisons de conteneurs de plusieurs bateaux sont etalees sur la place publique, a telle en-seigne que la cite annabie s'est transformee en une immense braderie, a ciel ouvert, qui canalise une [beaucoup moins que] armee [beaucoup plus grand que] de jeunes [beaucoup moins que] affectes [beaucoup plus grand que] a l'exploitation de ce creneau, au profit des barons de l'informel qui ne jurent que par l'euro et le dollar, qui respirent la devise et ne s'abreuvent que du gain facile.
Loin derriere, figurent les titres Taqa Mrorocco et Risma qui ont canalise ensemble plus de 19,8% des transactions de la semaine.
Donna smith, new homes partner at Connells said:"Smiths Flour Mill raises the benchmark for breathing new life into Walsall's canalise areas - its charming character combines style and imagination with a uniquely peaceful waterside setting."