crystal meth

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crystal meth

(Recreational Drugs) informal crystal methamphetamine, a concentrated and highly potent form of methamphetamine with dangerous side effects. Also called: ice
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A 54-year-old man who tried to deliver crystal meth, locally known as 'shabu,' to a jailed drug suspect was arrested on being caught hiding the illegal drug in his shoe.
Bill proposes death for possessing over 1kg crystal meth
Crystal meth, which is known locally as ice, has been described as the most common and damaging illegal drug in Australia.
The miscreant, Ajah Anayochuka Onye Anwusi, 38, was found to be in possession of half a kilogram of Crystal Meth, a form of methamphetamine known to drug users as Ice.
A 23-year-old man was caught at a Dubai airport trying to smuggle 1kg of crystal meth and more than 34 grams of hashish in his stomach, the Court of First Instance has heard.
WOULD you take crystal meth if it was offered by someone you knew and trusted?
His son, James, reveals how a meek, law-abiding suburban family man was dubbed a drug baron in the media, after he was arrested in 2009 for the biggest haul of crystal meth yet seen in this country.
READ IT WOULD you take crystal meth if it was offered by someone you knew and trusted?
PESHAWAR -- Authorities foiled a bid to smuggle crystal meth worth Rs96 million at Peshawar airport by a Saudi-bound passenger late on Wednesday.
Authorities dismantled six large production plants in the town of Kutkai, northern Myanmar between February and March 2018, the report states, confiscating more than 1.2 methamphetamine tablets, 259 kg of crystal meth, and 2,350 kg of ketamine.
KARACHI -- Karachi police have arrested at least three drug peddlers involved in supplying crystal meth to a number of drug addicts during three separate raids in Karachi.
PESHAWAR -- Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has directed the officials concerned to take stern action against elements involved in business of 'crystal meth' across the province.