crystal form

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crystal form

(Chemistry) crystallog a symmetrical set of planes in space, associated with a crystal, having the same symmetry as the crystal class. Compare crystal habit
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According to an initial investigation, the suspects used microwaves to turn the liquid ketamine into its crystal form which was crushed and laced into cigarettes to be smoked or sold.
Two smooth, cambered slices of sapphire crystal form the front and back of the case, joined by a ribbon of gold and falling off the sides like the edges of an infinity pool.
Detectives believe the drug comes in a crystal form, with "many of the people police have spoken to saying that this is the first time they have seen or heard of the drug".
LCBPP Crystallization Samples Preparation and Crystal Form Characterization
* Make clear the link that solids in crystal form were used by the Braggs; they passed X-rays through the crystals to produce diffraction patterns and from those patterns they identified the atomic structure of that solid.
Half an hour later police smashed the door down and found Khosro-Golestan, 34, and Kamran Javadi with packages already removed and yellow stains on their hands The 640g of meth amphetamine was in its purer crystal form and was estimated to be worth between PS96,000 and PS128,000.
They note that the product is 92% natural and that its unique crystal form works differently than traditional oil-based softeners that coat fabrics with oily residue, because it infuses fibers with long-lasting fragrance.
It comes in pill, powder and crystal form (crystal meth).
Gout is caused by the kidney producing too much uric acid, and water dilutes the acid and prevents it from settling in the joints in crystal form. It is very painful and you are unable to walk or even sleep.
The top section carries Hauy's names for the mineral and the crystal form and, in brackets, the mineral's modern name.