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The associated items of cryptomaterial that are used as a unit and provide a single means of encryption and decryption. See also cipher; code; decrypt; encipher.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
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[27] Craig Gentry, Shai Halevi, and Vinod Vaikuntanathan, "A simple BGN-type cryptosystem from LWE," Advances in Cryptology - Eurocrypt 2010, LNCS 6110, pp.
The other competition finalists creatively used emerging technologies such as IoT to prevent drowsiness-related traffic incidents by King Faisal University, build a medical shield by Alexandria University, smart home by King Saud University and BitCube Cryptosystem by University of Dammam.
The problem with the RSA cryptosystem is that it requires a lot of computational power in order to provide high level of security (Saraiva, 2009).
Paillier cryptosystem [28] is an encryption scheme that has both features of a homomorphic system.
RSA cryptosystem is used in many products on different platforms and in different areas.
We have designed a chaotic cryptosystem model named "CZ-Butterfly Effect Encryption Model" (CZ-BEEM), which combines CZ encryption, CZ algorithm, DHM (Diffie-Hellman-Merkle) or RSA algorithm, and LDPC (Low-Density Check-Parity Code) algorithm.
In 1985 Shami A et al [1] proposed a identity-based cryptosystem and signature schemes issued cards do not have to be updated when new users join the network, and the various centers do not have to coordinate their activities or even to keep a user list.
GCD and LCM operations [2] are both essential elementary number theory algorithms that are commonly used in the design of many public key crytoprocessors such as RSA cryptosystem [3] and Schmidt-Samoa cryptosystem [4].