
Also found in: Acronyms.


the round opening of a glass-furnace from which the fused glass is taken
[C18: Italian, literally: mouth]
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References in periodicals archive ?
Bocca claimed that the monarch reportedly stopped eating starchy food and also took appetite-reducing pills.
Eamonn Devlin (seated) head chef, Charlotte Harper (seated) kitchen porter, Francesca Berardi (seated) |commis chef, James Southers head waiter, and Alex Wyatt, owner of Bocca Italian Royal RSA Ins Ryl Dtch Ryl Dtch
Muscat: The Royal Opera House Muscat welcomes Julio Bocca and the National Ballet of Uruguay for two nights of exhilarating dance on September 25 and 26.
--Marilyn Hunt on Julio Bocca in the March 9987 issue of Dance Magazine
Bernabo Bocca, expressed his concern about statistics regarding Italian holiday makers: 51.3 percent can go on a vacation - just as in 2009 - and 46 percent cannot, of which 47 percent is due to financial reasons.
"The Bocca detention Facility has been closed, but the 6000 detainees are distributed on Cropper and Taji prisons," she added.
WASPS: van Gisbergen, Sackey, Mitchell, Kefu, Lemi, Walder, Simpson, Bocca, Ward, Broster, Skivington, Birkett, Worsley, Betsen, Leo.
The lead singer of U2, who turned up with a 10-strong party and no reservation, ordered copious cocktails for his entourage while waiting for a table at Bocca di Bacco on September 27.
Big Bocca (France), Nawel Benziane, Licensing Coordinator; phone: +33144505905;, p.
HUTCHES were the big winners in the Monday Premier Division as Paul Davies led them to an 8-4 demolition of Bocca Seniors.