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(Cookery) a South African dish consisting of curried mincemeat with a topping of beaten egg baked to a crust
[C19: from Afrikaans, probably from Malay]
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Scatter over the bobotie, then serve with the rice.
The food they prepared included bobotie, truffles, and fish ball soup among others.
Named after the country's spicy bean relish, the bar will serve up South African wines, beer, cider and cocktails alongside bar snacks like biltong and droewors and bigger bites such as bobotie (a curried beef dish with a creamy topping) and jaffles (toasties).
Continuing the exotic theme, the main course was a mince dish from South Africa called Bobotie and was cooked with the late addition of a savoury egg custard.
I cook a big meal for the family to share, something like my shakshuka, a Middle Eastern spicy egg dish, or Bobotie, a South African curried bake, and we sit around and catch up on the week.
My family has complained that whatever food I cook-be it ostensibly a South African bobotie or a Brazilian moqueca-they end up tasting like a French stew, which is the only stew I really know how to make.
The place is frequently visited by local intellectuals and artists, so you can join or eavesdrop on an interesting political debate, while trying the traditional Cape curried meatloaf, Bobotie.
It arrived via the slave trade, along with bredies, pickled fish, denningvleis and bobotie.
Adventurous diners can expect to feast on everything from chicken wings Lebanese style to Palestinian meatballs, plantain fritters with spicy West African hot sauce, Zanzibari sweet potato and French beans with roasted fresh coconut, South African Bobotie minced lamb pie, Vietnamese Banh Khot (mini pancakes wrapped in greens with a spicy relish) and Mumbai street food like aubergine bhajia, ragdo pattice patties and patrani maachi (steamed fish wrapped in banana leaf ).
Try sweet African pastries and specialities, such as corned beef bobotie or good old US of A omelettes and pancakes.
Bobotie is made with egg and has a mince base and can include raisins.