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(Ecclesiastical Terms) not scriptural
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
If the lineal descendants of Ham are alone to be scriptur- ally enslaved, it is certain that slavery at the south must soon become unscriptural; for thousands are ushered into the world, annually, who, like myself, owe their existence to white fathers, and those fa- thers most frequently their own masters.
But it's an impious, unscriptural opinion to say a woman's a blessing to a man now; you might as well say adders and wasps, and foxes and wild beasts are a blessing, when they're only the evils that belong to this state o' probation, which it's lawful for a man to keep as clear of as he can in this life, hoping to get quit of 'em for ever in another--hoping to get quit of 'em for ever in another."
(Dr) Emmanuel Oko-Jaja, has said allowing couples to kiss in the church during their wedding service is unscriptural, unholy and therefore be discouraged.
"Now here was a case of an improper and unscriptural subject, consequently there could have been no valid baptism." The Nashville editor shrugged off his Charleston counterpart's error as most likely the result of a hasty response "without due reflection," even going so far as to characterize his colleague as "probably sound." (1) Graves would not prove so charitable in the 1850s, however, as his views hardened and his denunciations of error turned more forceful, making his name synonymous with the Landmark movement, which Mark Noll aptly summarizes as a "movement that defends local Baptist congregations as the only true churches and the only Christian bodies linked through unbroken historical succession to the churches founded by Jesus himself." (2)
(3) The concept of a global Flood is unscriptural, because ancient peoples had no knowledge of the earth as a globe (Ps.
You can read them as historic documents, or they can serve as mighty defenses against those who believe that Catholic doctrines such as prayer for the dead are unscriptural. Above all, they are magnificent statements of core Christian doctrines and wonderful expositions of that faith.
This is very unscriptural. I repeat, please do not be alarmed when some people tell you that the date of the rapture has been ascertained.
These words, often used to argue for the unscriptural foundations of priestly fatherhood, are in faci the clearest witness that human beings including celibate priests have a share in God's own fatherhood.
In that regard, the Evangelical model of Christianity is a false, damaging, pathogenic, and unscriptural form of the faith.
not "unscriptural" (371) to help produce weapons, but Thomas
"This same decision is difficult and hurtful for others whose integrity in faith tells them that this decision is unscriptural and profoundly wrong," he said.
Painfully aware that so-called Christian England had more than its fair share of sin and degradation, he found prevailing discourse about the natives of foreign lands to be unfair and unscriptural. (12) While never managing to discard "heathen" terminology altogether, Booth's pursuit of evangelism alone represented a significant departure from the Victorian civilizing mission.