
(redirected from unscrutinised)


(ʌnˈskruːtɪˌnaɪzd) or


not carefully examined
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Stirling University Labour Society accused the discussion of'glossing over' key issues concerning Israel, and that the speaker offered a"biased and unscrutinised perspective" of the Israeli Government.
Should we just sit back and let this process continue unscrutinised when we consider it to be an irrational act of national suicide?
Should we just be sitting back and let this process continue unscrutinised when we consider it to be an irrational act of national suicide?
Yet now they whip their MPs to pass an EU withdrawal bill that will strip the Commons of its powers, allowing ministers to channel Henry VIII as they rewrite the law of the land unhindered and unscrutinised. They insist that free trade remains a cardinal principle of modern Conservatism, as they rush to leave what is, broadly defined, the largest, freest free-trade area in human history.
You get the feeling few things pass Abramovich by and Conte's comments on Friday will not have gone unscrutinised.
He said there "would appear to be questions around the assessment of the possibility of collateral damage which would benefit from further scrutiny" and there is a "serious concern that this matter will go unscrutinised".
Speaking on talk radio, Stavrinides said the co-operative group is "trying to employ a self-healing method", and "no one will go unscrutinised".
In fact, Saatchi's accountant told Isleworth Crown Court in west London that spending on the staff credit card went unscrutinised for years, even though it reached as high as PS100,000 a month.
The issue of how education policy is generated in Australia and elsewhere remains largely unscrutinised and poorly understood among education professionals and the general public (Moses & Saenz, 2008).
For an engineer working in, say, the defence sector, it might seem that ethical considerations are best left unscrutinised.
Tall,small , fat or size zero, none nt unscrutinised. Ands erein lies his charm.