

(ʌnˈskruːtɪˌnaɪzd) or


not carefully examined
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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I took up my baby, and, wishing him good-morning, departed, to indulge my thoughts unscrutinized, within the sanctum of my home.
PCSO director Sandra Cam said that substantial documentary evidence proving corruption at the agency has been with PACC for three months but apparently remain unscrutinized by the commission.
Meanwhile, that "aggressive tax planning" goes almost entirely unscrutinized. While these tactics are currently legal, it is not clear that they are fair, nor that they should continue to be permissible.
To demonstrate and show the implications of this point, this Part focuses on three types of "offstage" (32) evidence that are frequently considered by jurors, and yet almost always pass unscrutinized by evidentiary gatekeepers.
Without austerity, and yet without unscrutinized immediacy, a sense of formal genesis may go a long way and may be a real chance of transfigured survival for the Parmenidean unity of being and thought.
That would put an end to spending limits, unscrutinized expenses and accidental personal use.
of the information, the machine, remains largely unscrutinized").
"Selling unapproved, unscrutinized antibiotics undermines measures in India to control antimicrobial resistance.
participate in other daily activities unscrutinized by others.
(54) They blame someone for dishonesty while allowing their own dishonesty to remain unscrutinized, effectively demonstrating that they take that person's victims to have a more serious interest in avoiding dishonesty than the victims of their own dishonest conduct.
Their testimony might create a veneer of scrutiny when in fact the actual source of the information, the machine, remains largely unscrutinized.