

not resembling a sculpture
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There is a comparatively wide unsculptured rim along the anterior edge of the scale, which is separated by a thin groove from the rest of the crown surface.
Head very excavated, glossy, unsculptured; frontal line complete; occipital carina absent; temple absent; POL = 1; OL = 1; OOL = 6.
For example, species with thin unsculptured shells, globose body forms or both [e.g., Lampsilis powellii (Lea, 1852), Lampsilis streckeri Frierson, 192*7, and Potamilus capax (Green, 1832)] exhibit more motility than previously suspected based on an inability to find tagged individuals or evidence of mortality during post-relocation field monitoring efforts (J.
3 Head punctate, without sculpture among punctae, with a shiny, unsculptured, ovoidal area between posterior ocelli and eyes, surrounded posteriorly by a lower carina continuing on the temples and behind the ocellar triangle (Olmi 2007: fig.
2f); while the endocarp is thin and unsculptured (Fig.
Relatively uncommon snails and clams include Viviparus and Campeloma (Viviparidae), Lioplacodes (Pleuroceridae), Sphaerium (Sphaeriidae), relatively uncommon and mostly unsculptured "Unio," and less uncommon physids (Physidae).
We were offered unsculptured fruits, which since we were stuffed, we left untouched.
The ichnospecies is unbranched, thinly lined, smooth and unsculptured, and in contrast to previously defined ichnospecies of Palaeophycus is characterized by a consistently developed bulb-like termination at one extremity.
Muscente & Xiao (2015) concluded that pristine Sphenothallus tests consist of exteriorly sculptured and interiorly unsculptured organophosphatic lamellae.
Pronotum shiny, punctate, unsculptured among punctures, with some longitudinal keels on lateral regions and posterior transverse furrow, crossed by two transverse impressions, anterior impression very weak and posterior one strong; disc humped; posterior collar short; pronotal tubercle not reaching tegula.