road movie

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road movie

(Film) a genre of film in which the chief character is on the run or travelling in search of, or to escape from, himself or herself
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Peter was best known for writing and starring in the seminal 1969 road movie Easy Rider, for which he earned an Academy Award nomination.
Peter, pictured, was best known for writing and starring in the seminal 1969 counterculture road movie Easy Rider, for which he earned an Academy Award nomination for best original screenplay.
Hippie is above all a road movie. A traditional road movie about travelling through different geographies.
[USA] July 31 (ANI): Tilda Swinton will be narrating the first 4 hours of the 16-hour long documentary titled 'Women Make Film: A New Road Movie Through Cinema' that will celebrate female directors from around the world.
"Recalling about a thousand other titles, with the Lynch films 'The Elephant Man' and 'The Straight Story' definitely near the top of the list, this is a picaresque road movie about two mismatched characters, with rookie director A.B.
Directed with a light touch by Roger Donaldson, this gently paced road movie is a quirky slice of life with a rich vein of earthy humour.
"It's an intergalactic buddy road movie with Banner and Thor," Ruffalo told ( Entertainment Weekly of their partnership.
SIGHTSEERS (Film4, Wednesday,11pm) THE art of romance isn't dead, but it's certainly deadly in this deranged road movie, which walks a tightrope between sickeningly dark comedy and grisly horror.
And that's just in the first five minutes of this scorchingly apocalyptic Australian road movie.
15 AFTER getting everyone's attention five years ago with Aussie crime thriller Animal Kingdom, Ben Mendelsohn finally gets another role worthy of his talents in a bittersweet road movie.
Shank's Mare uses video projection and live music as well as puppetry to create an exploration of life, death and the power of tradition as it follows two characters--one a criminal who dies and goes to hell, the other a medieval astronomer--on their own separate guests in what Lee calls "a kind of puppet road movie." We're seeing it here just before its New York premiere next month.