road capacity

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road capacity

The maximum traffic flow obtainable on a given roadway using all available lanes; usually expressed in vehicles per hour or vehicles per day.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
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Speaking at Durham County Hall, he told councillors that extra vehicles from the estate would "exceed road capacity" and pleaded for the council to "act in the interests and safety of residents."
When completed by the first quarter of 2020, the road capacity will reach about 24,000 vehicles per hour, which will improve traffic in the area by connecting Al Gharrafa, Al Luqta, Al Waab, Al Rayyan and vital facilities such as businesses, schools, and hospitals.
Bautista noted that aside from improving the road capacity, the project also involves raising the Maritan Highway-Rizal Highway-Tipo Road junction and enhancing the drainage system to help alleviate flooding in the area.
"It is expected that the road capacity will reach 58,000 vehicles a day after completion," added the official.
Upon completion, Sheikh Zayed Highway's road capacity will increase from 4,000 vehicles per hour to 6,000 per hour, with corresponding daily numbers rising from 50,000 to 80,000.
It is aimed at improving Bahrain's road capacity and solving traffic congestion on Sheikh Zayed Highway as well as Salmabad's Street No.12, which are used by some 4,000 vehicles during peak hours and over 50,000 vehicles throughout the day.
Mayor of Lahore, Col (R) Mobashar Javed said road capacity, traffic management, provision of sewerage, water, un-interrupted electricity supply and impact of socio economic elements were big challenges to deal while planning high rise buildings in the city.
Lahore Mayor Mobashar Javed said road capacity, traffic management, provision of sewerage, water, uninterrupted electricity supply and impact of socio-economic elements were big challenges to deal while planning the high rise buildings in the city.
And last week an exercise to test road capacity in Kent was mocked after just 89 trucks turned up - including a council bin lorry.
A TAXPAYER-FUNDED test of road capacity after Brexit was branded a "farce" as just 89 trucks turned up.
It conforms with the latest road capacity required in the DPWH design guidelines, criteria and standards, the regional director said.