road pricing

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road pricing

(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the practice of charging motorists for using certain stretches of road, in order to reduce congestion
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WHILE everyone's attention is on the damage caused by high fuel prices, a new report effectively proposes imposing road pricing on our major roads both new and existing.
The impacts of road pricing on businesses; an institutional analysis across economic sectors.
AA president Edmund King said: "In reality, no political party is actively going to support national road pricing when the majority of the public is opposed to it."
Asked whether they would prefer a pay-per-mile approach to road tax or method which only takes into account vehicle emissions, 53.5% were in favour of road pricing compared to 46.5% voting against.
A survey by the Institution of Civil Engineers makes an interesting, if somewhat conflicting, contribution to the road pricing debate.
In an interview with The Birmingham Mail, Alistair Darling dismissed reports that ministers had decided against road pricing following an outpouring of opposition.
But Welsh Assembly Government chiefs denied there were plans for road pricing on the trunk road network in Wales.
THE Freight Transport Association (FTA) says that a number of essential conditions must be fulfilled before it can support any local road pricing scheme.
Coun John Shipley, leader of Newcastle City Council, says the Minister is trying to shift responsibility to local authorities as the Government retreats from a controversial national road pricing scheme.
A survey has found that while most adults in Britain are opposed to road pricing in principle, a clear majority would favour it if the revenue collected will be spent on better and cheaper bus and rail services.
While most adults in Britain are opposed to road pricing in principle, a clear majority is in favour of it if the revenue collected will improve rail and bus services.