Road Scenes

Road Scenes



  1. The cars come down them [London streets] like rats —V. S. Pritchett
  2. Cars nestled around the place like puppies feeding off a giant tit —Dan Wakefield
  3. Cars … run along together like sticks on a stream —John Updike
  4. Cars were flashing by [on highway] like toucans, bright red, hot pink and high yellow —Hortense Calisher
  5. A dirt road that ran like string through some nearby woods —Wilfrid Sheed
  6. The divided road looked like a striped gray snake curving across the brown landscape —A. E. Maxwell
  7. Far off the highway … lone lights signalled like boats anchored far at sea —Louise Erdrich
  8. Gradually the landscape on either side of the road became like an embrace —Susan Engberg
  9. Grunting taxicabs … wallowing yellowly in the bright sun like panting porkers —Harvey Swados
  10. The headlights of the cars in the deepening dusk were like a continuous stream of tracer-bullets aimed at anyone with temerity enough to cross their trajectory —Cornell Woolrich
  11. The highway shimmers like a polished stove top —Mary Hedin
  12. The interstate highway was like the ocean. It seemed to go on forever and was a similar color. Mirages of heat were shining in the distance like whitecaps —Bobbie Ann Mason
  13. The lighted road seemed to shift like snow —Martin Cruz Smith
  14. The motorway opened out before them like a black river, roaring —MacDonald Harris
  15. The road, black as a ravine —Helen Hudson
  16. The road dipped and rippled like a ribbon —Phyllis Naylor
  17. The road lay straight as a spear —Terry Bisson
  18. The road like a cat flattening its ears went into a straightaway —John Updike
  19. Roads that never stopped … but looped and turned with exquisite abandon, like a ball of yarn given infinite slack —Sharon Sheehe Stark
  20. Road that looked as smooth as a tablecloth —Wallace Stegner
  21. The road was tree-lined, the oaks arching over the roadway from either embankment like a canopy —Jonathan Valin

    See Also: TREES

  22. The road wound like a twisted snake —Stephen Vincent Benet
  23. Saw the train pulled like a string of black beads over the horizon —Louise Erdrich
  24. The searchlights [of cars on the highway] coursed ahead like elongated greyhounds —Erich Maria Remarque
  25. The sound of the traffic is as faint as the roaring of a shell —John Cheever
  26. Steely [railway] tracks … like clean penstrokes —Dorothy Canfield Fisher
  27. Traffic moved like flies through a sieve —Tom Robbins
Similes Dictionary, 1st Edition. © 1988 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
The lanes detection method is tested on different road scenes and a reasonable detection rate is achieved.
"It is a common sight to see people having their breakfast, putting on make up, or having animated conversations on a handheld phone, while they are behind the wheel, oblivious to the fact that they are holding up traffic and aggravating the congestion," noted a woman who observes the road scenes from her front passenger seat.
Assessment of visibility in complex road scenes using digital imaging.
& Dickmanns E.D., (2004), A color vision system for real-time analysis of road scenes, Proceedings of IEEE Intelligent Vehicle'04 Symposium, pp.
Overall, very few differences in male and female responses in the interpretation of these road scenes were found.
The printed test comprises a series of color drawings of road scenes drawn from the perspective of a driver behind the steering wheel of a car.
The experiment does so in a unique manner by comparing the conspicuity of road traffic control devices in typical road scenes for observers with normal color vision with that for observers with a severe loss of color vision.
The new driving theory test will incorporate a 'hazard perception test' which comprises a selection of film clips, showing real road scenes and potential hazards.
"The fans have been brilliant from the moment I walked into the club," said the 42-year-old reflecting on Saturday's Highfield Road scenes.
Although Sarah was used to filming High Road scenes in Scottish Television's Glasgow studios, the new plot involving her character unnerved her slightly.
That's because all the functions a computer performs--from adding and multiplying to recreating road scenes in the most complex computer games--depend on the flow of electricity.
Hibs face a hefty fine after Sunday's horror Easter Road scenes when a fan ran at Rangers keeper Andy Goram.