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a. An opening constructed in a wall, door, or roof that functions to admit light or air to an enclosure and is often framed and spanned with glass mounted to permit opening and closing.
b. A framework enclosing a pane of glass for such an opening; a sash.
c. A pane of glass or similar material enclosed in such a framework: The ball broke the window.
a. An opening or transparent part that resembles a window in function or appearance: a sail window.
b. The transparent panel on a window envelope.
3. The area or space immediately behind a window, especially at the front of a shop: goods displayed in the window.
4. A means of access or observation: St. Petersburg was Peter the Great's window onto the Baltic.
5. An interval of time during which an activity can or must take place: a window of opportunity for a space mission; a window of vulnerability when the air force was subject to attack.
6. Strips of foil dropped from an aircraft to confuse enemy radar; chaff.
7. A range of electromagnetic frequencies that pass unobstructed through a planetary atmosphere.
8. Computers A rectangular area on a screen in which a document, database, or application can be viewed independently of the other such areas.
9. Aerospace
a. A launch window.
b. An area at the outer limits of the earth's atmosphere through which a spacecraft must pass in order to return safely.

[Middle English, from Old Norse vindauga : vindr, air, wind; see wē- in Indo-European roots + auga, eye; see okw- in Indo-European roots.]
Word History: The source of our word window is a vivid metaphor. Window comes to us from the Scandinavian invaders and settlers of England in the early Middle Ages. Although we have no record of the exact word they gave us, it was related to Old Norse vindauga, "window," a compound made up of vindr, "wind," and auga, "eye," reflecting the fact that at one time windows contained no glass. The metaphor "wind eye" is of a type beloved by Norse and Old English poets and is called a kenning; other examples include Old Norse gjālfr-marr, "sea-steed," for "ship" and Old English hron-rād, &;ldquo;whale-road," for "sea."
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Building) a light framework, made of timber, metal, or plastic, that contains glass or glazed opening frames and is placed in a wall or roof to let in light or air or to see through.
2. (Building) an opening in the wall or roof of a building that is provided to let in light or air or to see through
3. (Building) See windowpane
4. (Commerce) the display space in and directly behind a shop window: the dress in the window.
5. any opening or structure resembling a window in function or appearance, such as the transparent area of an envelope revealing an address within
6. an opportunity to see or understand something usually unseen: a window on the workings of Parliament.
7. a period of unbooked time in a diary, schedule, etc
8. (Astronautics) short for launch window, weather window
9. (General Physics) physics a region of the spectrum in which a medium transmits electromagnetic radiation. See also radio window
10. (Computer Science) computing an area of a VDU display that may be manipulated separately from the rest of the display area; typically different files can be displayed simultaneously in different overlapping windows
11. (Building) (modifier) of or relating to a window or windows: a window ledge.
12. out of the window informal dispensed with; disregarded
(tr) to furnish with or as if with windows
[C13: from Old Norse vindauga, from vindr wind1 + auga eye1]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈwɪn doʊ)

1. an opening in the wall of a building, the side of a vehicle, etc., for the admission of air or light, or both, commonly fitted with a frame in which are set movable sashes containing panes of glass.
2. such an opening with the frame, sashes, and panes of glass or any other device by which it is closed.
3. a windowpane.
4. a framed or bracketed opening in a wall, above a counter, etc., where some service or product may be obtained, as in a bank or post office.
5. anything likened to a window in appearance or function, as a transparent section in an envelope.
6. a period of time available or highly favorable for doing something.
7. a range between the benefit and toxicity of a drug: the window of optimal intake.
b. a specific area at the outer limits of the earth's atmosphere through which a spacecraft must reenter to arrive safely at its planned destination.
a. a portion of the screen of a computer terminal on which data can be displayed independently of the rest of the screen.
b. a view of a portion of a document bounded by the borders of a computer's display screen.
11. to furnish with a window or windows.
[1175–1225; Middle English windoge, windowe < Old Norse vindauga=vindr wind1 + auga eye]
win′dow•y, adj.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: windowed
Gerund: windowing

I window
you window
he/she/it windows
we window
you window
they window
I windowed
you windowed
he/she/it windowed
we windowed
you windowed
they windowed
Present Continuous
I am windowing
you are windowing
he/she/it is windowing
we are windowing
you are windowing
they are windowing
Present Perfect
I have windowed
you have windowed
he/she/it has windowed
we have windowed
you have windowed
they have windowed
Past Continuous
I was windowing
you were windowing
he/she/it was windowing
we were windowing
you were windowing
they were windowing
Past Perfect
I had windowed
you had windowed
he/she/it had windowed
we had windowed
you had windowed
they had windowed
I will window
you will window
he/she/it will window
we will window
you will window
they will window
Future Perfect
I will have windowed
you will have windowed
he/she/it will have windowed
we will have windowed
you will have windowed
they will have windowed
Future Continuous
I will be windowing
you will be windowing
he/she/it will be windowing
we will be windowing
you will be windowing
they will be windowing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been windowing
you have been windowing
he/she/it has been windowing
we have been windowing
you have been windowing
they have been windowing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been windowing
you will have been windowing
he/she/it will have been windowing
we will have been windowing
you will have been windowing
they will have been windowing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been windowing
you had been windowing
he/she/it had been windowing
we had been windowing
you had been windowing
they had been windowing
I would window
you would window
he/she/it would window
we would window
you would window
they would window
Past Conditional
I would have windowed
you would have windowed
he/she/it would have windowed
we would have windowed
you would have windowed
they would have windowed
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.window - a framework of wood or metal that contains a glass windowpane and is built into a wall or roof to admit light or air
bow window, bay window - a window that sticks out from the outside wall of a house
building, edifice - a structure that has a roof and walls and stands more or less permanently in one place; "there was a three-story building on the corner"; "it was an imposing edifice"
casement window - a window with one or more casements
casing, case - the enclosing frame around a door or window opening; "the casings had rotted away and had to be replaced"
clearstory, clerestory - part of an interior wall rising above the adjacent roof with windows admitting light
display window, shop window, shopwindow, show window - a window of a store facing onto the street; used to display merchandise for sale in the store
dormer, dormer window - a gabled extension built out from a sloping roof to accommodate a vertical window
dormer window - the window in a gabled extension built to accommodate a window
double glazing - a window with two panes of glass and a space between them; reduces heat and noise transmission through the window
double-hung window - a window having two sashes that slide up and down
fanlight - a semicircular window over a door or window; usually has sash bars like the ribs of a fan
framework - a structure supporting or containing something
lancet window - a narrow window having a lancet arch and without tracery
jalousie, louvered window - a window with glass louvers
mullion - a nonstructural vertical strip between the casements or panes of a window (or the panels of a screen)
oeil de boeuf - a circular or oval window; 17th or 18th century French architecture
pane, pane of glass, window glass - sheet glass cut in shapes for windows or doors
picture window - a large window with a single pane (usually overlooking a view)
pivoting window - a window that opens by pivoting either horizontally or vertically
porthole - a window in a ship or airplane
rose window, rosette - circular window filled with tracery
sash, window sash - a framework that holds the panes of a window in the window frame
sash fastener, sash lock, window lock - a lock attached to the sashes of a double hung window that can fix both in the shut position
sash window - a window with (usually two) sashes that slide vertically to let in air
skylight, fanlight - a window in a roof to admit daylight
sliding window - a window that open by sliding horizontally
stained-glass window - a window made of stained glass
storm sash, storm window - a window outside an ordinary window to protect against severe weather or winter
fanlight, transom, transom window - a window above a door that is usually hinged to a horizontal crosspiece over the door
window frame - the framework that supports a window
windowpane, window - a pane of glass in a window; "the ball shattered the window"
2.window - a transparent opening in a vehicle that allow vision out of the sides or back; usually is capable of being opened
autobus, bus, charabanc, double-decker, jitney, motorbus, motorcoach, passenger vehicle, omnibus, coach - a vehicle carrying many passengers; used for public transport; "he always rode the bus to work"
auto, automobile, car, motorcar, machine - a motor vehicle with four wheels; usually propelled by an internal combustion engine; "he needs a car to get to work"
car window - a window in a car
opening - a vacant or unobstructed space that is man-made; "they left a small opening for the cat at the bottom of the door"
3.window - a transparent panel (as of an envelope) inserted in an otherwise opaque materialwindow - a transparent panel (as of an envelope) inserted in an otherwise opaque material
panel - sheet that forms a distinct (usually flat and rectangular) section or component of something
window envelope - an envelope with a transparent panel that reveals the address on the enclosure
4.window - an opening that resembles a window in appearance or function; "he could see them through a window in the trees"
opening, gap - an open or empty space in or between things; "there was a small opening between the trees"; "the explosion made a gap in the wall"
5.window - the time period that is considered best for starting or finishing something; "the expanded window will give us time to catch the thieves"; "they had a window of less than an hour when an attack would have succeeded"
period, period of time, time period - an amount of time; "a time period of 30 years"; "hastened the period of time of his recovery"; "Picasso's blue period"
6.window - a pane of glass in a window; "the ball shattered the window"
pane, pane of glass, window glass - sheet glass cut in shapes for windows or doors
window - a framework of wood or metal that contains a glass windowpane and is built into a wall or roof to admit light or air
7.window - an opening in a wall or screen that admits light and air and through which customers can be served; "he stuck his head in the window"
opening - a vacant or unobstructed space that is man-made; "they left a small opening for the cat at the bottom of the door"
ticket window - a window through which tickets are sold (as from a ticket booth)
8.window - (computer science) a rectangular part of a computer screen that contains a display different from the rest of the screen
computer display, computer screen - a screen used to display the output of a computer to the user
dialog box, panel - (computer science) a small temporary window in a graphical user interface that appears in order to request information from the user; after the information has been provided the user dismisses the box with `okay' or `cancel'
video display, display - an electronic device that represents information in visual form
foreground - (computer science) a window for an active application
computer science, computing - the branch of engineering science that studies (with the aid of computers) computable processes and structures
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. aperture, casement He opened the window to let in some air.
2. space, opening, gap, blank Tell her I've got a window in my diary later on this week.
Related words
adjective fenestral
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
langaslango rėmaslango stiklasvitrinos dekoravimasvitrinos dekoruotojas
cửa sổ


A. N
1. (gen, Comput) → ventana f; (= shop window) → escaparate m, vitrina f (LAm), vidriera f (S. Cone); [of booking office, car, envelope] → ventanilla f
to lean out of the windowasomarse a la ventana
to look out of the windowmirar por la ventana
to break a windowromper un cristal or (LAm) un vidrio
to fly out of the window: common sense flies out of the windowel sentido común se va al traste, se pierde todo atisbo de sentido común
2. (= period of time) → espacio m
B. CPD window box Njardinera f de ventana
window cleaner N (= liquid) → limpiacristales m inv; (= person) → limpiacristales mf inv
window display Nescaparate m
window dresser Nescaparatista mf, decorador(a) m/f de escaparates
window dressing Nescaparatismo m, decoración f de escaparates; (in accounts etc) → presentación f de información especiosa
it's all just window dressing (fig) → es pura fachada
window envelope Nsobre m de ventanilla
window frame Nmarco m de ventana
window ledge Nantepecho m, alféizar m de la ventana
window of opportunity Nexcelente oportunidad f, oportunidad f única
window pane Ncristal m, vidrio m (LAm)
window seat Nasiento m junto a la ventana (Rail etc) → asiento m junto a una ventanilla
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˈwɪndəʊ] n
(in building)fenêtre f; (in train)fenêtre f
Do you mind if I open a window? → Cela vous dérange si j'ouvre une fenêtre?
The waiter gave us a table by the window → Le serveur nous a donné une table près de la fenêtre.
to look out of the window → regarder par la fenêtre
to lean out of the window → se pencher à la fenêtre
a broken window → un carreau cassé
to break a window → casser un carreau
a shop window → une vitrine
(in car)vitre f
Wind down your window → Baissez votre vitre.
a car window → une vitre de voiture
(on computer screen)fenêtre f
Open a new window → Ouvrez une nouvelle fenêtre.
(= available time) → créneau m
I've got a window in my diary later this week → J'ai un créneau dans mon agenda plus tard cette semaine.
to go out of the window [hope, expectation] → partir en fuméewindow of opportunity nfenêtre f d'opportunitéwindow box njardinière fwindow cleaner n (= person) → laveur/euse m/f de vitreswindow display nvitrine f, devanture fwindow-dressing window dressing [ˈwɪndəʊdrɛsɪŋ] n
(lit)aménagement m de vitrines
(fig)mesures fpl purement cosmétiques
The measures are little more than window dressing that will fade fast once investors take a hard look at them → Ces mesures ne sont guère que purement cosmétiques et l'illusion se dissipera vite une fois que les investisseurs y auront regardé de plus près.window envelope nenveloppe f à fenêtrewindow frame nchâssis m de fenêtrewindow ledge n (inside)appui m de fenêtre; (outside)rebord m de fenêtrewindow pane nvitre f, carreau mwindow seat n
(in room)siège m près de la fenêtre
(in plane)place f côté hublot; (in train, bus)place f côté fenêtrewindow shade n (US)store mwindow-shopping [ˈwɪndəʊʃɒpɪŋ] nlèche-vitrines m
to go window-shopping → faire du lèche-vitrines
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


n (also Comput) → Fenster nt; (= shop window)(Schau)fenster nt; (of booking office, bank)Schalter m; (Comm inf: = opportunity) → Gelegenheit f; a window on the world (fig)ein Fenster zur Welt; window of opportunityChance f, (→ Fenster ntder) → Gelegenheit f


window background
n (Comput) → Fensterhintergrund m
window border
n (Comput) → Fensterrand m
window box
nBlumenkasten m
nFensterputzer(in) m(f)
window display
n(Schaufenster)auslage f
n(Schaufenster)dekorateur(in) m(f)
nAuslagen- or Schaufensterdekoration f; (fig)Mache f, → Schau f (inf), → Augen(aus)wischerei f (pej); that’s just windowdas ist alles nur Mache or alles, um nach Außen hin zu wirken
window envelope
window frame
n (also Comput)Fensterrahmen m
window glass
nFensterglas nt


window ledge
nFensterscheibe f; (Comput) → Fensterausschnitt m
window seat
n (in house) → Fensterbank for -sitz m; (Rail etc) → Fensterplatz m
window shade
n (esp US) → Springrollo nt
njd, der einen Schaufensterbummel macht
nSchaufensterbummel m; to go windoweinen Schaufensterbummel machen
nFensterbank for -brett nt; (outside also) → Fenstersims m
window size
n (Comput)Fenstergröße f
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[ˈwɪndəʊ] n (gen) (Comput) → finestra; (of car, train) → finestrino (also window pane) → vetro (also stained glass window) → vetrata (also shop window) → vetrina; (of booking office) → sportello; (in envelope) → finestrella
to break a window → rompere un vetro
to clean the windows → pulire i vetri
to look out of the window → guardare fuori della finestra
"do not lean out of the window" → "vietato sporgersi dal finestrino"
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈwindəu) noun
an opening in the wall of a building etc which is fitted with a frame of wood, metal etc containing glass or similar material, that can be seen through and usually opened. I saw her through the window; Open/Close the window; goods displayed in a shop-window.
ˈwindow-box noun
a box on a window-ledge, in which plants may be grown.
ˈwindow-dressing noun
the arranging of goods in a shop window.
ˈwindow-dresser noun
ˈwindow-frame noun
the wooden or metal frame of a window.
ˈwindow-ledge noun
a ledge at the bottom of a window (usually on the outside).
ˈwindow-pane noun
one of the sheets of glass in a window.
ˈwindow-shopping noun
looking at things in shop windows, but not actually buying anything.
ˈwindow-sill noun
a ledge at the bottom of a window (inside or outside).
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


نَافِذَة okno vindue Fenster παράθυρο ventana ikkuna fenêtre prozor finestra raam vindu okno janela окно fönster หน้าต่าง pencere cửa sổ 窗户
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. ventana.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in classic literature ?
In an upper room of one of these houses--a detached house of fair size, ruinous in other respects, but strongly defended at door and window: of which house the back commanded the ditch in manner already described--there were assembled three men, who, regarding each other every now and then with looks expressive of perplexity and expectation, sat for some time in profound and gloomy silence.
Some eight or nine young men were crowding anxiously round an open window. Three others were romping with a young bear, one pulling him by the chain and trying to set him at the others.
My sitting-room window was wide open, and I leaned out listlessly to look at the night.
At the sight of another human being my torpor passed, and I leaned out of the window eagerly.
Then Ridley, leaning on his elbow and looking out of the window, observed that it was a lovely night.
In the second place, the middle first-floor back window looked out on a little stone balcony, built on the top of the porch over the garden door.
An old man in a nightcap opened the window and looked out.
She sat and looked out of the window, curious to see something of the road over which she was being driven to the queer place Mrs.
Grewgious, bolt upright as usual, sat taking his wine in the dusk at his open window; his wineglass and decanter on the round table at his elbow; himself and his legs on the window-seat; only one hinge in his whole body, like a bootjack.
As to the windows of the pavilion, there are four; the one window of The Yellow Room and those of the laboratory looking out on to the country; the window in the vestibule looking into the park."
Out in the main attic all was velvet blackness save where the moon flung a path of silver half-way across the floor from the east dormer window. With a resolute ignoring of that fearsome darkness to the right and to the left, Pollyanna drew a quick breath and pattered straight into that silvery path, and on to the window.
The setting sun made the window panes glow like red flame; but the kitchen fire was not alight.