Window sill

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Related to Window sill: Window stool
References in classic literature ?
It had been a red sunrise, and she had leaned on the window sill studying her lesson and thinking what a lovely world it was.
One hand moved as if to clutch the window sill, but refrained from touching it.
Placing the bottle on the window sill where he could reach it easily, Dolokhov climbed carefully and slowly through the window and lowered his legs.
A thin young lad, an hussar of the Life Guards, who had been losing that evening, climbed on the window sill, leaned over, and looked down.
"Wait!" cried Dolokhov, hammering with the bottle on the window sill to attract attention.
Dolokhov, the bottle of rum still in his hand, jumped onto the window sill. "Listen!" cried he, standing there and addressing those in the room.
Of course I said fair and square at once what I had done, and why; then I showed the master the flies, some crushed and some crawling about helpless, and I showed him the wings on the window sill. I never saw him so angry before; but as Bill was still howling and whining, like the coward that he was, he did not give him any more punishment of that kind, but set him up on a stool for the rest of the afternoon, and said that he should not go out to play for that week.
But that hasn't prevented Fartown man Edward Simpson from growing a stupendous pineapple plant - all from a single slice of the fruit left on a window sill at his York Avenue home.
QWE live in an old, terraced house with sandstone window sills. In the back yard (which gets all the afternoon sun), a piece of window sill has broken away.
2 THE advantages of recess fitting are that the blind is made to fit the window and works with its proportions, and the window sill and wall around the window can still be used.
SC Sa ag awi wg SCOTT HARRISON plans to be world champion again - and his dad Peter is so adamant his boy will head back to the top that he kept his gum-shield on his window sill.
Keep them on a window sill or in a heated greenhouse at around 25C for three weeks.