window ledge

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window ledge

ndavanzale m
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
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At the signal, a loud whirr of wings in quick flight was heard and a large Falcon came and settled itself on the window ledge.
Outside in the garden, with his figure outlined against the luminous square, there stood a man, his back to the road, his two hands upon the window ledge, and his body rather bent as though he were trying to peep in past the blind.
The next moment she had climbed nimbly to the window ledge. From there it was an easy matter to step to the nearest tree-branch.
He had only one chair, and when a visitor came he was given the chair while Oliver sat on the window ledge. When he had money he led an idle, easy life until it was spent.
The creature was making a frightful racket now, leaping back and forth from the floor at the broad window ledge, tearing at the masonry with his claws in vain attempts to reach me.
The fellow led them to the rear of the castle, where, among the brush, he had hidden a rude ladder, which, when tilted, spanned the moat and rested its farther end upon a window ledge some ten feet above the ground.
"Four, five, six, seven," he said slowly, wetting his finger and making straight up and down marks on the window ledge. David ran to put on his trousers and shirt.
Dinah laid it sideways on the window ledge, where the light was strongest, and then opened it with her forefinger.
"Hum!" said Jo, still intent upon her sister's face, for the bright color faded as quickly as it came, the smile vanished, and presently a tear lay shining on the window ledge. Beth whisked it off, and in her half-averted face read a tender sorrow that made her own eyes fill.
A PRISONER jailed for blackmailing a man he met on a dating site caused more than PS10,000 of damage after climbing on to a window ledge at HMP Parc.
Liam Hatcher, 28, was serving a five-year sentence as an inmate on the Phoenix Wing of HMP Parc in Bridgend when, on November 24, 2017, he got on to a window ledge and refused to move until he was given a transfer from the prison.
Something was on TV so I thought, 'I'll run over and quickly open the window and multitask.' "I turned round to flick the cig outside when I finished and the hand that was on the outside window ledge holding me up slipped and I fell back.