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Noun1.veau - meat from a calfveau - meat from a calf      
calf - young of domestic cattle
meat - the flesh of animals (including fishes and birds and snails) used as food
cut of veal - cut of meat from a calf
calves' feet - feet of calves used as food; usually jellied
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References in classic literature ?
Mynheer Calf, too, becomes Monsieur de Veau in the like manner; he is Saxon when he requires tendance, and takes a Norman name when he becomes matter of enjoyment.''
The butcher would boil 20- pound tetes de veau in huge iron caldrons and serve his clients big, messy sandwiches filled with bits of cheek, skin, fat, gristle, tongue and brains covered in a white vinaigrette gribiche sauce.
Local delights included andouilettes (chitterling sausages) and tete de veau (calf's head stew).
They made friends with fellow travelers and locals ate ethnic meals and many jars of Legume-Boeuf-Foie de Veau and confronted their ever present fear of running out of diapers.
Cydric makes his own range of ready-meals - classics such as coq au vin, tete de veau, cassoulet and boeuf bourguignon.
Next door to Notre Dame is the restaurant Le Vieux Bistro, where one of the specialities is Tete de Veau, a terrine made from all parts of a calf's head (ears, nostrils, cheeks, etc).
L'entrecE[sup.3]te ou le rE[sup.3]ti de veau sont dE[umlaut]jEa plus gras.
Terfel looked as proud as the proverbial peacock as he stood on stage for the opening number, Le Veau d'or from Faust, the opera for which he's probably best known.
will develop a taste for the French tete de veau (veal head) which is braised for three hours, then flattened and cut into pieces?
David Reister, vice president, sales and retail for Plume De Veau Inc., a Brooldyn, N.Y-based veal processor, agrees that case-ready packaging allows meat department personnel to concentrate on tasks other than prep work.
Food Emporium has exclusives in the area for Cedar Springs prime lamb from Colorado and Veau Naturel veal, says Damato.
Camera (color), Jeff Baustert; editor, Barclay De Veau; music, Charles Dayton; production design, Robin Coburn; art direction, Jose Gonzales; set decoration, Terry Miller, costume design, Sarah DeSilva; sound, Paskal Sound Design; casting, Anne Capizzi.