blanquette de veau

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blanquette de veau

(blæŋˈkɛt də ˈvəʊ)
(Cookery) a ragout or stew of veal in a white sauce
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It might mean swapping the cote-de-boeuf for cowpeas, the blanquette de veau for buckwheat flour, but a growing number of foodie insiders are joining climate scientists in calling for drastic measures to sustainably feed our ballooning population.
There was a huge variety of fresh breads and cheese including starters like authentic French Onion soup, piperade, pissaladiere, quiche Lorraine royal, soupe au pistou while bouillabaisse, coq au vin, blanquette de veau, casserole and gratin dauphinoise were served as main course dishes.
With a wide range of international cuisines, Gourmet Lunch Buffet provides guests a voyage of gastronomic indulgence with a variety of freshly prepared, delicious and delectable dishes including exquisite nigiri, a delightful array of hot dishes such as Blanquette de Veau Braised Veal in Cream Sauce; Vegetable Tempura; Dim Sum and Steamed Thai-Style Lemon and Chilli Sea Bass as well as other hearty selections to satisfy all your cravings.
We chose the bouillabaisse, but given how it turned out we will be coming back for the blanquette de veau (yes, when was the last time you saw that on a menu?) and the whole roast duck, another French table-side classic in which the breasts are first carved out with the dexterity of a surgeon, served, and then the rest finished and then served with a light sauce (or sometimes as a confit).
Interestingly, the mums too get into the kitchen once a week to cook up such delicacies as Blanquette de Veau, Chicken Cordon Bleu with Beaufort Cheese and Nutella-flavoured puddings.
Another traditional family dish is Blanquette de Veau - veal and vegetables in a delicious white sauce.
* One of my favorite old-fashioned French classics is among the retro dishes appearing on the most chic restaurant menus across the country: blanquette de veau. A delicate, satisfying stew made of veal shoulder, it's quite easy to make--the simple process will bring some sanity into your kitchen during this busy month.
As evidence of its peasant gourmet roots, consider some of the variations: Hungarian goulash, blanquette de veau, West African beef stew, Belgian beef stew, Chinese red stews -- and one that seems to be made to order for homesteaders--Kentucky Burgoo.