swing voter

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Related to swing voter: Floating voters
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.swing voter - a voter who has no allegiance to any political party and whose unpredictable decisions can swing the outcome of an election one way or the other
elector, voter - a citizen who has a legal right to vote
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References in periodicals archive ?
"I do have political opinions but when they appear in print I don't like people thinking that I think my opinion is worth listening to" Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe "The problem is that in a democracy it's not the members of the party who elect the Government, it's the voters and I don't remember a time where the Labour Party membership and its views had become so disconnected from where the marginal seat, the swing voter, the centre left voter is.
"The problem is that in a democracy it's not the members of the party who elect the government, it's the voters, and I don't remember a time when the Labour Party membership and its views had become so disconnected from where the marginal seat, the swing voter, the centre left voter is.
And remember that the tried-and-untrue swing voter strategy is what has led to the Democratic Party's prolonged identity crisis.
In particular, she reevaluated the neo-Downsian notion of the distribution of voters, challenging the depiction of the median voter as a neutral, undecided, or swing voter in congressional elections.
Chemerinsky also had to deal with a series of questions from O'Connor, considered a swing voter, who seemed to be looking for a way to approve Texas' monument.
The swing voter is Latino and Asian, and a new campaign Immigrant Vote 2004 hopes to register these voters and get them to the polls.
we should be focussing on centuries of prosperity #EUspeech @peterc: As of today, I'd vote "out" but I'm a relatively nonentrenched swing voter on the issue.
FACING calls for his resignation at this week's Brighton conference after another round of opinion polls, Gordon Brown can smile again (but in private please, Gordo) at the news that key swing voter Nancy Dell'Olio has pledged her support to Labour.
Surprised at the near total lack of academic literature on the swing voter in American elections, Mayer (political science, Northeaster U.) was prompted to fashion this collection of eight papers focusing on defining and identifying swing voters, discovering differences between swing voters and the rest of the electorate, and the role of swing voters in determining the outcomes of contemporary elections.
IS JENNA BUSH--THE BLOND HALF OF THE ONCE HARD-partying Bush twins--a swing voter? One of the horde of young women upon whom pollsters tell us the fate of the Democratic Party could depend this November?
O'Connor has been a "swing voter" on numerous emotional social issues, and more are set to come before the Supreme Court soon, including two abortion cases this autumn
More importantly, the target TV audience was the swing voter. Janet Parshall, conservative talk show host and leader of a morning prayer meeting, summed it up: "It's all about niche marketing."