swing to

Also found in: Idioms.
Related to swing to: swing music

w>swing to

vi (door)zuschlagen
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
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She had a pink kerchief tied over her head, making a little poke to shade her eyes from the level sunbeams, while she was giving a glorious swing to Letty, who laughed and screamed wildly.
The addition of the swing to the park is part of the municipality's organised efforts to upgrade its parks and introduce equipment also for children with mobility issues.
Participants were instructed to perform a normal swing to make solid contact on each trial, and each participant used his own bat.
Understanding the role of each component of the arm swing can help practitioners in training athletes to optimally use the arm swing to maximize jump performance.
Since distance relays are prone to interpret a power swing as a three-phase fault, they should be blocked during the power swing to prevent undesired trips.
"Well done and 'thank you' to the ShakeDown Club for coming up with this wonderful idea to bring swing to Bahrain.
Swing To Go, $184; The Everyday Gardener, 2905 Old Canton Rd., Jackson, 601.981.0273, Facebook.com/pages/TheEveryday-Gardener
She shared with me some pointers if you are considering making your chickens a swing to keep them busy on long winter days when they can't get outside.
A spokesman for Winter Wonderland said Sayers Amusements is working with the Denmark-based manufacturers of the Sky Swing to find out what had gone wrong.
Lampsa (1975) and later Sharp (2009) applied optimal control theory to double-pendulum models of the swing to identify joint torque profiles that maximized club head velocity for the drive shot.
Children can push the handlebars of the swing to get it to move, which gives them "upper extremity movement in a relaxed atmosphere," says Jennifer Szakacs, CTRS, Good Shepherd Homes, Allentown, PA.