swing space

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swing space

(Industrial Relations & HR Terms) chiefly US and Canadian a temporary working environment, used esp while renovations are being carried out
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"We found that an intercity bus facility under Javits would reduce usage of the PABT, leaving space for rehabilitation as well as swing space to better maintain operations during reconstruction of the existing terminal," said Wright.
With signage visible from Interstate 77, Serendipity Labs will offer team rooms for up to 80 employees, shared offices, dedicated desks, coworking and day passes and swing space for corporations and small businesses.
"With 98 or 99 per cent occupancy rates within Dubai Mall, Emaar needed the swing space," Green said, adding that the vacancies in the main mall created by the extension would likely be replaced by non-luxury stores.
These in-and-out displays are created to give retailers the ability to offer shoppers a high-design assortment of paper tableware for all seasons, get high-volume sales in a small footprint out of a seasonal swing space and increase revenue per square foot.
Another solution is the creation of collaborative multiuse areas that serve as swing space for individual work areas, staff meeting spaces, and break stations, says Andrew Quirk, senior vice president and account manager at Skanska USA Building (Nashville).
The project also will include the addition of a visitors' center, expanded underground parking and construction of a new, $70 million Capitol office building to serve as "swing space" or temporary offices for legislators and other occupants of the Capitol once it is vacated in spring 2015.
Its doors have a smaller swing space, making it a great option for smaller and narrower kitchens.
While renovations were underway, Glenmede was concerned for productivity loss and Opt4 Group was able to help them facilitate a swing space to minimize work disruptions.
The increased cost of leasing additional swing space would be offset by the lowered cost of the Secretariat building renovation.
2901 Squalicum Parkway, $350,000 for tenant improvement: complete shell space for cardiac rehab center and swing space. Applicant: RMC Architects.