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v. stained, stain·ing, stains
1. To discolor, soil, or spot: The spilled juice stained the carpet.
2. To bring into disrepute; taint or tarnish: The scandal stained the mayor's reputation.
3. To change the color of (a piece of wood, for example) by applying a stain.
4. To treat (a specimen for the microscope) with a reagent or dye in order to identify cell or tissue structures or microorganisms.
To produce or receive discolorations: upholstery that stains easily.
1. A discolored or soiled spot or smudge: a stain that was difficult to scrub out.
2. A diminishment of one's moral character or good reputation by being associated with something disgraceful.
3. A liquid substance applied especially to wood that penetrates the surface and imparts a rich color.
4. A reagent or dye used for staining microscopic specimens.

[Middle English steinen, partly from Old French desteindre, desteign-, to deprive of color (des-, dis- + teindre, to dye, from Latin tingere), and partly from Old Norse steina, to paint.]

stain′a·ble adj.
stain′er n.
Synonyms: stain, blot1, brand, stigma, taint
These nouns denote a mark of discredit or disgrace, as on one's good name: a stain on his honor; a blot on an otherwise clean police record; the brand of cowardice; the stigma of ignominious defeat; the taint of political corruption.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.stainable - capable of being stained (especially of cells and cell parts)
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
He urged African Union member states to ensure they were not left behind on issues of conservation and stainable utilisation of animal genetic resources.
The spleen and kidney contained scattered deposits of stainable iron.
Having just stabbed bad Adam to death - on an expensive yacht and wearing a highly stainable pale blue effort - she now had to face the family.
Would a stainable fiberglass door be a good replacement for it?
and let us need to make commitment with sis stainable health goals.
Chairman Water Management Department, deliberated upon the role of water management for stainable land management in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and the various techniques used for water conservation and efficient irrigation.
[3] NORs contain a set of silver stainable acidic proteins which are seen predominantly in the nucleolus.
Small islets were not found in diabetic groups which could be on account of degranulation and lack of stainable insulin in beta cells.
The reductions in TRPV1 function returned over time and were accompanied by the reappearance of stainable markers for peripheral nerve fibers in these organs, demonstrating that the TRPV1-expressing neuronal cell bodies in the dorsal root ganglia (DRGs) were not abolished by these treatments.
described a class of mammary carcinoma characterized by a high number of stainable lipid vesicles in the cytoplasm [77].