staging post

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Related to staging post: trace back

staging post

(Aeronautics) a place where a journey is usually broken, esp a stopover on a flight
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

staging post

[ˈsteɪdʒɪŋˌpəʊst] ntappa obbligata
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in periodicals archive ?
Dr Willie Black, managing director of Nominet UK, said that the move was an important staging post in the development of the internet.
The latest staging post in David Jeffrey's fractious relationship with Ballymena supporters...
'I am hopeful that we can find a way out of the impasse but a crucial staging post in that will be the clarity and certainty of any IRA statement and some verification of that reality on the ground.'
Bedworth Arts Centre spokeswoman Arlene Brindley said: "Owen is bringing a group of fellow artists to his old staging post to sound out the venue as a possibility for regular shows."
Staging Post ran in some smart maidens before scoring at Windsor last month.
Many made their homes here or used Ireland as a staging post to escape to America.
Pete Doherty may be using the Smiths as his musical staging post with Babyshambles but this is a Mute point as far as Carl is concerned.
However, this was no mere filip but a major staging post in the Welsh 21-year-old's already remarkable career.
Year Two Thousand looks on good terms with himself ahead of Wednesday's Bahrain Trophy, and he travelled well in company with Staging Post and Shipton Wood.
And President Bush insisted he would not stop using the airport outside Glasgow as a staging post for arms to the Middle East conflict.
The Sangatte camp had become a staging post for illegal immigrants to Britain, with 67,000 people passing through in the last three years.
Mr Blunkett was travelling to Paris for a second round of talks with French interior minister Nicolas Sarkozy, with discussions pivoting on the Red Cross camp used by thousands of illegal immigrants as a staging post to Britain.