stained glass ceiling

stained glass ceiling

1. (Anglicanism) a situation in a church organization in which promotion for a female member of the clergy appears to be possible, but discrimination prevents it
2. (Protestantism) a situation in a church organization in which promotion for a female member of the clergy appears to be possible, but discrimination prevents it
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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WALKING into the Lello bookstore in Porto with its magical sweeping staircase, polished wooden walls and enchanting stained glass ceiling is truly spellbinding.
In the church, Rois identifies two main causes of what she terms the "stained glass ceiling." One is "decades of social and gender norms that hinder female involvement outside the confines of their home," says Rois.
Although the renovation work has brought this house bang up-to-date, the main lounge is designed in the style of a chapel, with vaulted ceilings, stained glass ceiling panels, ornate arched mouldings and an impressive stone replace.
The NH Granada Centro occupies a restored historic building, sympathetically decorated in a classic Andalusian style with hardwood floors, an impressive stained glass ceiling in the foyer and intricately carved headboards on the large comfy beds.
During the renovation of the 128 year old Grade II listed Middlesbrough Town Hall, stained glass ceiling panels that have been hidden for more than 40 years have been uncovered in which room?
Everyone from Charles Dickens to the Queen and countless prime ministers have stayed here, so don't miss the photo-lined Number 10 bar beneath a stained glass ceiling window.
The superb colourful stained glass ceiling adds beauty to the bathroom.
The 'stained glass ceiling' refers to the same phenomena in religious organizations, the barriers that keep women from attaining leadership positions and authority in churches and other religious institutions.
In its 1930s heyday, the pavilion's ballroom featured a stained glass ceiling and polished maple floors.
In the tavern, LED lighting was used extensively to backlight the stained glass ceiling panels, graze up and down the stone backsplash from behind the side shelf, and backlight the acid-etched mirror behind the bar.