soil shear strength

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soil shear strength

The maximum resistance of a soil to shearing stresses.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
References in periodicals archive ?
The clay sensitivity is defined as the ratio of the undisturbed soil shear strength to the disturbed soil shear strength (equation (7)).
Pollen, "Temporal and spatial variability in root reinforcement of streambanks: accounting for soil shear strength and moisture," Catena, vol.
Furthermore, the geometry of the subsoiler and the parameters of the soil shear strength affect the shape of the failure plane that develops (Chi and Kushwaha 1990).
The stability of structures built on liquefied soil depends on the postliquefaction effects of the soil shear strength. The strength of soils at the phase transition is critical for engineering design (Ishihara, 1993).
Between pulp and liquid water content, the soil shear strength is low, this parameter Kasagrandeh methods, is measured according to ASTM-D 4318 standard [8].
During the determination of soil shear strength in direct shear tests soil shearing area and position is well known due to the apparatus construction (see Fig.
Measurement was done for seed germination, soil water content at a depth of 2.5 and 5.0 cm (measured at one day prior to irrigation), shoot and root dry weight, and soil shear strength..