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A Korean liquor usually distilled from rice.

[Korean soju : so, to burn, roast (in reference to heating during distillation) (from Middle Chinese ʂiaw) + ju, wine, from Middle Chinese tsiw´, wine, alcoholic beverage.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
We don't know much else apart from that, but it definitely sounds exciting, especially after fresh drops James has been involved with recently, like Curtismith's 'Soju.'
Soju Bar and Diner, on Carden Place, Aberdeen, lodged an application with the local authority to extend the time it could open.
In the eat-and-talk show (known in Korean as "meokbang") hosted by "DJ Gabriel," a pan of pizza, bottles of soju and beer and other culinary preparations were spread out before the streamers as they communicated with viewers.
ISB student Stasy Mariam Soju won first prize in the symposium on Biometric Technology, followed by Lakshmi Manoj (IAHIS) and Navneet Anil Kumar (ANIS).
Soju is an alcoholic drink originating from what country?
There is an axiom in Yoruba Language which says 'biri biri laye nyi aye ko duro soju kan.
There are digital murals that cover entire walls, decorative patterned wooden dividers and a lighted display wall that creatively uses Soju bottles as decor along with some earthen jars.
2.58 (480m): Target Satin, Canny Rodney, Saint Reidy, Tippy Kerry, Soju Hipster, Swift Galaxy (W).
As guest s become more sophisticated about spirits, they want to learn more about and sample the lesser-known categories, including pisco, singani, cachaca, shochu, soju, baiju and agave spirits beyond tequila.
8.55: 1, QUARTERLAND EVA (3), 9-4; 2, Soju Hipster (6), 7-2; Rafalution (5), 5-4 fav; 5.75, 29.15; PS14.30, trio PS27.99.
South Koreans who enjoy a rare flavour of soju, the country's most beloved alcohol, have been discouraged from mixing wasps into their drinks as a tonic after a health warning from the food ministry.