soil mechanics

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soil mechanics

(Civil Engineering) (functioning as singular) the study of the physical properties of soil, esp those properties that affect its ability to bear weight, such as water content, density, strength, etc
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This work examines the Discrete Element Method (DEM), also known as the particle method, for its application in soil mechanics, specifically to calculate the tension acting on granular materials without cohesion.
Effect of leakage of industrial alkali solutions on the construction properties of soils, Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering 25(6): 559-561.
(3) State Key Laboratory of Geomechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, Hubei 430071, China
The unsaturated soil mechanics. Beijing: China Architecture Press, 52-55.
The plea was a result of an 18-month investigation by DEC Environmental Conservation Officers (ECOs) and the Richmond County District Attorney's (RCDA) office into Vincent Nantista, lead engineer and vice president of Soil Mechanics Drilling Corp.
PND's Open Cell Sheet Pile[TM] design was originally selected for the Port of Anchorage Expansion Project after a lengthy review by multiple local, state, and federal agencies and subject experts in soil mechanics and seismic design.
This undergraduate engineering textbook explains the soil mechanics concepts for analyzing soil behavior under different environmental conditions, proposes a particle energy field theory for interpreting soil-water-environmental interactions, and describes the swelling, cracking, hydraulic conductivity, thermal, electrical, radiation, and compaction properties of soils.
The fundamental concepts of unsaturated soil mechanics will be described using practical examples.
Khan as the pioneer of Soil Mechanics in Pakistan and informed he Introduced Soil Mechanics in 1960s.
Bearing capacity of displacement piles in layered soils with highly diverse strength parameters, in Proceedings of the 18th International Conference for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2-5 September 2013, Paris, France.