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n silodosina
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References in periodicals archive ?
* The 5-ARIs may be used alone or in combination with alpha-blocker medications--such as alfuzosin (Uroxatral[R]), silodosin (Rapaflo[R]), and tamsulosin (Flomax[R])--to treat symptomatic BPH.
Silodosin in the treatment of distal ureteric stones in children: A prospective, randomised, placebo-controlled 8.
[9,10] The [[alpha].sub.1] antagonists preferred in the management of BPH are Tamsulosin and Silodosin because of their minimal hemodynamic adverse effects.
Medical expulsive therapy for distal ureteric stones: tamsulosin versus silodosin. Arch Ital Urol Androl 2014; 86:103-7.
(8) conducted a cohort study of men aged >40 years with BPH and determined exposure to 5ARIs (dustasteride or finasteride) or alpha blockers, ABs (Terazosin, Doxazosin, Alfuzosin, Tamsulosin and Silodosin).
IFIS risk factors include hypertension [2-5], finasteride [3, 6-8], benzodiazepines [5], quetiapines [3, 5], alfuzosin [5, 9], doxazosin [3, 5], terazosin [5, 10], silodosin [11], and especially tamsulosin [3-5].
High affinity antagonists for the [[alpha].sub.1A] subtype (tamsulosin, silodosin, alfuzosin) are generally preferred due to less postural hypotension albeit not presenting higher efficacy than the older non-selective [[alpha].sub.1A]-adrenoceptor blockers terazosin and doxazosin, which were recently pointed as the most effective drugs in a recent meta-analysis (1).
Subgroup analysis showed a mean BOOI change of -14.88 (p=0.01) for alfuzosin, -19.41 (p=0.01) for doxazosin, -16.47 (p<0.0001) for naftopidil, - 30.45 (p<0.0001) for silodosin, -14.27 (p=0.002) for tamsulosin, and -6.69 (p=0.005) for terazosin.
Tamsulosin (Flomax[R]) or silodosin (Rapaflo[R]) are often used alone or in combination with 5-alpha reductase inhibitors, finasteride (Proscar[R]) or dutasteride (Avodart[R]), as treatment for BPH and associated UI (Wieder, 2010).
Prospective randomized placebo controlled study to assess the safety and efficacy of silodosin in the management of acute urinary retention.