

(Animals) Scot a young coalfish
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College might well have taken the lead in the first minute when Craig Sillock rattled the upright following a corner, while Stokesley saw early efforts just going wide of the mark.
The first goal came when Jones was brought down in the area and Kaid fired home from the penalty spot before Craig Sillock netted the third.
Five minutes later, Craig Sillock floated the ball over the keeper and into the net, only to be denied by an offside decision but, soon after, Mackey hit a brilliant shot that curled into the top corner from 20 yards out.
College 2007 had the advantage of a strong wind in the first half, and took the lead on the quarter-hour when Craig Sillock ghosted in behind the Old Boyss' back line to score with a neat flicked header from Lewis Kaid's free-kick.
The College responded in the best possible way by equalizing with virtually the last kick of the half when the ball broke to Craig Sillock on the edge of the area from where he drove the ball just inside the up right.
The second half followed much the same pattern with Lewis Kaid earning a man of the match award for his performance while College midfielders Craig Sillock and Chris Strike were a constant threat.