silurid fish

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Noun1.silurid fish - Old World freshwater catfishes having naked skin and a long anal fin more or less merged with the eellike caudal fin
siluriform fish, catfish - any of numerous mostly freshwater bottom-living fishes of Eurasia and North America with barbels like whiskers around the mouth
family Siluridae, Siluridae - Old World catfishes
European catfish, sheatfish, Silurus glanis - large elongated catfish of central and eastern Europe
electric catfish, Malopterurus electricus - freshwater catfish of the Nile and tropical central Africa having an electric organ
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References in periodicals archive ?
The histopathological effects of tine parasitic tapeworm Wenyonia virilis on the ileum and liver of the silurid fish Synodontis schall.
(1975) isolated Wenyonia virilis from the ileum of the silurid fish, Synodontis schall.
The histopathological effects of the parasitic tapeworm Wenyonia virilis on the ileum and liver of the silurid fish Synodontis schall.