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Related to Sillanpaa: Johannes Vilhelm Jensen


(Finnish ˈsillɑmpæː)
(Biography) Frans Eemil (frans ˈeːmil). 1888–1964, Finnish writer, noted for his novels Meek Heritage (1919) and The Maid Silja (1931): Nobel prize for literature 1939
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈsɪl lɑnˌpæ)

Frans Eemil, 1888–1964, Finnish author: Nobel prize 1939.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
[34.] Sillanpaa J., Huikko S., Nyberg M., Kivi P., Laippala P., Uitti J.: Effect of work with visual display units on musculoskeletal disorders in the office environment.
Implementing suppliers development activities is one of the effectual methods that buying companies will be able to meet; yet this challenge provides way to improve suppliers' abilities (Sillanpaa et al., 2015).
Besides deficiency, boron toxicity has also been reported in our soils (Sillanpaa, 1982).
Alem disso, quatro diferentes abordagens sao estabelecidas: comunicacao, dialogo, consulta e parceria (Greenwood, 2007; Krick, Forstater, Monaghan, & Sillanpaa, 2005).
Sillanpaa, Heterogeneous Water Phase Catalysis as An Environmental Application: A Review, Chemosphere, 48, 1047 (2002).
Paavo Sillanpaa, manager, Specials Business Segments, Americas, UPM Raflatac, states that substrate selection depends very much on the application and the market segment.
According to Sillanpaa (2011), the viewpoints on efficiency are focused on how resources being acquired and operated efficiently to ensure sustainability for long-term growth and assist operation in achieving the aims of the organization.
Sillanpaa et al., "RNA and protein expression of the murine autoimmune regulator gene (Aire) in normal, RelB-deficient and in NOD mouse," European Journal of Immunology, vol.
Sillanpaa et al., "Complete genome sequence of Enterococcus faecium strain TX16 and comparative genomic analysis of Enterococcus faecium genomes," BMC Microbiology, vol.
Sillanpaa et al.3 observed a significant association between the presence of MR and poor seizure control.
Numerous types of bio-based materials, such as cellulose, chitin-chitosan, and polylactic acid, have been investigated as replacements for petrochemical materials (Ravi Kumar 2000, Averous 2004, Bhatnager and Sillanpaa 2009, Balan and Verestiuc 2014).