servants' quarters

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servants' quarters

- In Victorian days, they were usually referred to as below stairs; above stairs was the realm of the family.
See also related terms for servants.
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References in classic literature ?
"Dunyasha!" she screamed wildly, and tearing herself out of this silence she ran to the servants' quarters to meet her old nurse and the maidservants who came running toward her.
The peasant girls working in the garden ran shrieking into shelter in the servants' quarters. The streaming rain had already flung its white veil over all the distant forest and half the fields close by, and was rapidly swooping down upon the copse.
This is the second and above us are nothing but the servants' quarters. I should think," he concluded thoughtfully, "that you must have been mistaken about the fellow turning in here at all."
At that very moment such a loud sound of wailing broke out from the servants' quarters that she clutched the young man's arm, and Mary stood shivering from head to foot.
(nobody in this place ever appeared in person if he could help it), and just beyond the office, on the way to the servants' quarters, was the gentlemen's cloak room, the last boundary of the gentlemen's domain.
Colonel Pound, with the chairman, the vice-president, and one or two others darted down the corridor leading to the servants' quarters, as the more likely line of escape.
To the Grandmother, however, our landlord, for some reason or another, allotted such a sumptuous suite that he fairly overreached himself; for he assigned her a suite consisting of four magnificently appointed rooms, with bathroom, servants' quarters, a separate room for her maid, and so on.
Transport CAS Chris Obure's driver was shot dead on Wednesday night at the civil servants' quarters in Kariobangi South, Nairobi.
APS1m conservation project to open up Llancaiach Fawr's servants' quarters to the public was unveiled by First Minister Carwyn Jones on Thursday.
BIDDERS at an auction next month will have the chance to grab a piece of 17th-century history when the servants' quarters at a ruined castle go under the hammer.
The National Trust estate in West Sussex will have costumed characters in its kitchen and servants' quarters for its Stirring Up The Past event tomorrow and Sunday between 11am-3pm.
"It has two entrances because the top floor used to be the servants' quarters. So they used one entrance and the family used the other.