bottom house

bottom house

1. (Architecture) the open space beneath a house built upon high pillars
2. (Architecture) such a space partially enclosed and floored for use as servants' quarters
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Your legs and bottom house the body's largest muscle groups and when you gain muscle mass in these areas from exercise, they expend more energy, naturally boosting your metabolism.
"Of these mounted highwaymen, there were two or three who acted in concert, sharing the spoil, and a good business was done until the gang was broken up by one of their number, "William Ferm, of Bottom House, about two miles from Onecote, being arrested, and afterwards hung at Stafford."
Drawing the top bid was a wonderful 3 1/2 year old Limousin Bull when he headed back to the East coast with A Flintoft of Bottom House Farm, Robin Hoods Bay for PS4700.
The man-made earthworks of Hilda Howe are in the fields on our left as we follow the left edge of the next two fields towards Bottom House.
"The bottom house there, now the home of the lock-keeper, is the original Sea Lock Inn, and from it you may gain some idea of how things were in the days when 'windjammers' carried the Red Ensign to remote corners of the Earth.
Be it in the top, middle or bottom house of Port Clarence, he would be there.
12 medium strs to 103.5p per kg and pounds 563.03 per head consigned by TN Hodgson & Sons of Bottom House with an average of 93p per kg.
After crossing a footbridge and stile, we follow the ridge ahead and soon catch sight of Bottom House.
There was also Bottom House, The Institute at the Market Square, plus Pochin Road school (headmistress Connie Burns), the board school with separate entrances for girls, on Cheetham Street, and boys, on Whitworth Road.
Meanwhile, the bottom houses the dual-SIM tray, the USB-C port, and the speaker grille.
The bottom houses the intake fans that pull in air to keep the projector running cool.