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Related to Servia: Servian, SERVIS


(Placename) the former name of Serbia
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When Katavasov asked him what had impelled him to go to Servia, he answered modestly:
Greece, Servia, and Bulgaria have a scanty two thousand apiece.
Y tambien se coloca en ella la hermeneutica, porque no en balde Hermes era el que lograba contentar o concordar a Apolo y a Dioniso, hermanos que, como tales, se peleaban, por sus cualidades opuestas, pero el les servia de mediador.
Detectives are appealing for witnesses to what they are calling a "serious assault" on the Grosvenor Road near Servia Street in West Belfast on Friday night.
The freshly retired Letterman was all grins early Sunday as his IndyCar team paid tribute to the former "Late Show" host by putting a gap-toothed, smiling caricature of his face and #thanksdave on driver Oriol Servia's yellow car for the big race.
Bojana Jovanovski, Servia, 6-3, 7-6 (3); Ekaterina Makarova (8) def.
Oriol Servia, who was taking his turn in the Panther Racing machine vacated by JR Hildebrand, had a lazy spin in Turn 2 on Lap 113, the last caution of the night.