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(Historical Terms) (in the Turkish Empire) a subdivision of a vilayet
[C16: from Turkish sancàk, literally: a flag]
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In 1939, his country annexed the Sanjak of Alexandretta, a Syrian coastal plain that included the strategic city of Antioch, causing uproar among Syrian nationalists.
Spokesman for the Center for Security Information Brigadier Yahya Rasool said in a statement that "the detachments of the Directorate of Military Intelligence found a hideout in the area of Al- Sanjak in al-Qaim, and seized within it 5 anti-tank missiles and mortar rounds and lightning of launchers." He added that the materials were destroyed on site by the engineering detachment of the Division."/ End
Jerusalem was a small district, a Sanjak under a Sanjak Bey or Mutasallim.
Formerly called the Sanjak of Alexandretta, the province was annexed to Turkey from French Mandate Syria in 1939, following a plebiscite that was state-managed from Turkeys capital, Ankara.
Sanjak, "Exercise-induced neuroplasticity in human Parkinson's disease: what is the evidence telling us?," Parkinsonism & Related Disorders, vol.
Signed by DICID Chairman Dr Ibrahim al-Nuaimi and Dean of Serbian Faculty of Islamic Studies, the agreement aims at promoting dialogue and allowing each party to take advantage of the other network of relations along with supporting research and studies in the field of dialogue and exchange of experiences and advancing co-operation between the two parties to organise scientific and cultural conferences and seminars in the region of Sanjak, the Balkans and Eastern Europe.
The most detailed information derives from Evlija Chelebija, who had travelled across this region and had noticed the following: "The inhabited area of Kumanovo is situated within the territory of the Skopje sanjak. The town has a lot of rivers and about 600 houses covered in roof tiles.
Yuzyilda Osmanli Devleti'nde Av Teskilati'nin Silistre Sancagindaki Yapilanmasi*/Ottoman Hunting Organization of Silistra Sanjak in The 16th Century.
The Kurds' relationship with the Ottoman state, which was structured on the very idea of autonomy, was being threatened as Ottoman centralization attempts began to disturb the existing sanjak (canton) structure.
sanjak) of the province of Damascus, have been published in Bakhit 1982b; Bakhit and Hamud 1989 and 1991.