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n, pl -riums or -ria (-rɪə)
(Medicine) a facility for housing patients with long-term illnesses
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The extension of Mayo Hospital, Lahore and Saamli Sanitorium, Murree, took place during his tenure.
Stanley's pro-Russian stance raised eyebrows, Miriam dubbed a woman at a bus stop "the beautiful spy" because her name was Olga and a trip to a Soviet era sanitorium almost tipped them over the edge.
TREATMENT Staff and patients at Peamount Sanitorium, Dublin
A 'PARTICULARLY NASTY GUY' Craig y Nos was once a sanitorium for children with TB and the home of an opera star at the turn of the 20th century.
Following treatment at the Keith Sanitorium in Calgary, he went to California to recover.
For Yehoash's literary activities as a tubercular patient in Denver, see Yudkoff, "Tubercular Capital"; Gilman, Yiddish Poetry and the Tuberculosis Sanitorium.
Other films include the Farne Islands in 1936; a children's sanitorium outing to Cresswell in 1930; Howick in 1959; How the Boat Comes in from South Shields in 1980; Day in the Life of a River Pilot, also South Shields in 1964.
The cantonment dates back to 1861 where it was first used as a sanitorium for the British troops.