residential district

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Noun1.residential district - a district where people liveresidential district - a district where people live; occupied primarily by private residences
housing development - a residential area of similar dwellings built by property developers and usually under a single management; "they live in the new housing development"
housing estate - a residential area where the houses were all planned and built at the same time
district, territorial dominion, territory, dominion - a region marked off for administrative or other purposes
planned community - a residential district that is planned for a certain class of residents
uptown - a residential part of town away from the central commercial district
suburb, suburban area, suburbia - a residential district located on the outskirts of a city
exurbia - a residential area outside of a city and beyond suburbia
tenement district - a residential district occupied primarily with tenement houses
rabbit warren, warren - an overcrowded residential area
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References in classic literature ?
On Saturday he met me with a well-groomed motor, and ran me out, in an hour and a half, to an exclusive residential district of dustless roads and elegantly designed country villas, each standing in from three to five acres of perfectly appointed land.
In a day, his onslaught of wealth had turned open farming country into one of the best residential districts of the city.
RIYADH, Aug 13 (KUNA) -- Iran-backed Houthi militia have launched a drone rigged with explosives but the aircraft crashed into Yemeni territory, said Colonel Turki Al Malki, the official spokesman of the Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen in a statement on Tuesday The drone was unleashed from Sanaa however it fell 35 kilometers from the city in the Yemeni Amran province, he said, noting that it fell into a residential district. He denied the Houthi claims that their drones hit the Saudi Abha airport.
Jameela Al Fandi, head of the Committee of Services Coordination and director-general of the Sheikh Zayed Housing Programme (SZHP) has updated the local media on the progress of the Batteen Al Samar Residential District, in Ras Al Khaimah (RAK).
The Ministry of Housing has begun the implementation of the R5 residential district at the New Administrative Capital on 1,000 feddans and is named as the New Garden City, according to the Prime Minister and Housing Minister Mostafa Madbouly.
FILE: Prime Minister Moustafa Madbouli and Housing Minister Moustafa Madbouli CAIRO - 25 August 2018: Prime Minister and Minister of Housing Moustafa Madbouli on Saturday said that building of the new residential district of New Garden City in the New Administrative Capital has started.
Sheikh Saud also viewed the ongoing construction work in the Umm Al Quwain residential district, implemented by the Sheikh Zayed Housing Programme (SZHP) at Al Shuhada city.
TEHRAN (FNA)-The US-led coalition fighter jets targeted a residential district in the ISIL-held Raqqa city, killing eight members of a family on Saturday.
"The concept behind the Residential District is rooted in the overarching societal themes of the Dubai Plan 2021 and we have aligned our strategy to converge with that of the vision of His Highness Shaikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai," Khalifa Al Zaffin, Executive Chairman, Dubai Aviation City Corporation and Dubai South, said.
Summary: Master developer Dubai South awarded a contract worth AED 300 million (US$ 81.7 million) for infrastructure works at its flagship Residential District.
Four tenders for construction of (a) a health care unit to serve the 72 residential buildings complex at the Housing Project Northern Extension, (b) a KG building at the National Housing Project Area, (c) a basic educational school at the second residential district's services center & (d) a five-men-team football play-court at the City's second residential district.

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