residual contamination

residual contamination

Contamination which remains after steps have been taken to remove it. These steps may consist of nothing more than allowing the contamination to decay normally.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
References in periodicals archive ?
The newer generation cleaners required re-training, this included understanding that some evaporated very fast, leaving residual contamination more difficult to remove than the original debris.
Therefore, the study used published benchmarks for manually cleaned gastrointestinal endoscopes, even though the level of residual contamination on sterilized ureteroscopes should be far lower than the amount allowed for clean gastrointestinal endoscopes.
In fact, some "closed" cases have been reopened to address the hazard of indoor air contamination originating from residual contamination in soil and groundwater.
That's less expensive than the "pump-and-treat" option, which can take decades and is known to miss residual contamination that may have leached into different ground layers.
Repeated good ROSE readings can't necessarily guarantee there is no residual contamination in tight spots or that all the flux residues were extracted and analyzed, but a bad ROSE reading clearly indicates something is wrong with the process and is a red flag for intervention.
[ClickPress, Mon May 25 2015] Biological Safety Testing Market by Application (Stem Cell, Blood, Gene Therapy), Product (Instruments, Services, Kits, Reagents), & Test (Bioburden, Endotoxin, Cell Line Authentication, Residual Contamination, Adventitious Agents) - Global Forecast to 2019
The likelihood of residual contamination is near 100 percent and it is, again, astounding that the town approved this on a short from SEQRA.
The surface cleanliness means the relative degree of the aggregation of the residual contamination on the solid surface.