Residual product

a by product, as cotton waste from a cotton mill, coke and coal tar from gas works, etc.

See also: Residual

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Instead, just sweep it over your face, and the residual product will be more than enough.
She lifted a grate and reached into the feed mixer near the auger to remove residual product so that she could make a new batch of feed.
The majority of the product has been removed from the sewer system, but there are small amounts of residual product that remain, village of Westmont spokesman Larry McIntyre said in an email late Monday.
Launched in May, the U.S.-designed and assembled technology reduces the amount of product remaining to as little as 0.1% of the liner's capacity, meaning a residual product of less than 2kg remaining in a typical 1,200-liter (315-gallon) liner, compared to 4-10 kilos (10-40 pounds) of residual product using typical air assist or roller systems.
"We would try and capture the food that doesn't run through production, that raw material because businesses always have that residual product ...
This residual product poses a significant disposal problem for the soy food industry, with most ending up used as livestock feed or agricultural fertilizer, resulting in an economic burden to the industry.
MiniMix utilizes patented technology, and is the first "spatial" mixer that custom blends two formulas with no residual product. This VariBlend delivery process utilizes a tightly webbed, precision matrix of 19 separate nozzles to distribute select ratios of two thoroughly blended formulas onto a surface applicator, resulting in a freshly blended, smooth delivery.
Environmental campaigners say plans for a facility to convert and recycle "residual product" generated by the oil refining industry will add to a "cocktail of pollutants" bombarding Pembrokeshire residents.
This represents a substantial improvement on conventional packaging techniques where it is very common for substantial quantities of residual product to remain, even after time-consuming and costly manual or mechanical product extraction is attempted.
A small film of residual product is left and can be easily removed by CIP cleaning.