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v.i. -sid•ed, -sid•ing.
1. to dwell permanently or for a considerable time; live.
2. (of things, qualities, etc.) to be present habitually; be inherent (usu. fol. by in).
3. to rest or be vested, as powers or rights (usu. fol. by in).
[1425–75; late Middle English < Middle French resider < Latin residēre=re- re- + -sidēre, comb. form of sedēre to sit]
re•sid′er, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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In most cases it's best to remove as much siding as needed before cutting the opening in the sheathing and then to trim and re-side around the opening.
Redhead Paul, 90353 Boeing Dr; Re-side airplane hanger, replace existing windows, minor dry rot repair; $30,000.
He also remembered the time the congregation almost had to close its doors because "some fools" had convinced the congregation to go ahead and re-side the church building and trust that the money would come in.
The authorities will also re-side and weatherize Baycrest Homes on Loft Lane in Blaine.
While communicating with the attending officer the facts was found, i.e., concerns about re-side effects, not sick enough, did not want liver biopsy, cost of treatment too high, high chances of patients relapses and re-occurrence of HCV.
I remember chafing (in an annoying way, no doubt) while helping my dad re-side our house; it seemed there was so much measuring to be done and so many trips to the lumberyard that we would never get done.