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Related to remainder: reminder


1. Something left over after other parts have been taken away.
2. Mathematics
a. The number left over when one integer is divided by another: The remainder plus the product of the quotient times the divisor equals the dividend.
b. The number obtained when one number is subtracted from another; the difference.
3. Law An estate in property that takes effect after the expiration of another estate, as where one party is given the right to occupy a property for that party's lifetime, and then another party is given the same right after the first party's death.
4. A book that remains with a publisher after sales have fallen off, usually sold at a reduced price.
tr.v. re·main·dered, re·main·der·ing, re·main·ders
To sell or dispose of as a remainder.

[Middle English, second party's right of ownership, from Anglo-Norman, from remeindre, to remain, variant of Old French remaindre, remainer; see remain.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. a part or portion that is left, as after use, subtraction, expenditure, the passage of time, etc: the remainder of the milk; the remainder of the day.
2. (Mathematics) maths
a. the amount left over when one quantity cannot be exactly divided by another: for 10 ÷ 3, the remainder is 1.
b. another name for difference7b
3. (Law) property law a future interest in property; an interest in a particular estate that will pass to one at some future date, as on the death of the current possessor
4. (Journalism & Publishing) a number of copies of a book left unsold when demand slows or ceases, which are sold at a reduced price by the publisher
(Journalism & Publishing) (tr) to sell (copies of a book) as a remainder
[C15: from Anglo-French, from Old French remaindre (infinitive used as noun), variant of remanoir; see remain]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(rɪˈmeɪn dər)

1. something that remains or is left; remaining part: the remainder of the day.
2. Math.
a. the quantity that remains after subtraction.
b. the portion of the dividend that is not evenly divisible by the divisor.
3. a copy of a book remaining in the publisher's stock when its sale has practically ceased, usu. sold at a reduced price.
4. Law. a future interest so created as to take effect at the end of another estate, as when property is conveyed to one person for life and then to another.
5. remaining; leftover.
6. to dispose of or sell as a remainder.
[1350–1400; Middle English < Anglo-French, n. use of Old French remaindre < Vulgar Latin *remanere, for Latin remanēre to remain]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


In division, the difference between the dividend and the product of the quotient and divisor.
The American Heritage® Student Science Dictionary, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


Past participle: remaindered
Gerund: remaindering

I remainder
you remainder
he/she/it remainders
we remainder
you remainder
they remainder
I remaindered
you remaindered
he/she/it remaindered
we remaindered
you remaindered
they remaindered
Present Continuous
I am remaindering
you are remaindering
he/she/it is remaindering
we are remaindering
you are remaindering
they are remaindering
Present Perfect
I have remaindered
you have remaindered
he/she/it has remaindered
we have remaindered
you have remaindered
they have remaindered
Past Continuous
I was remaindering
you were remaindering
he/she/it was remaindering
we were remaindering
you were remaindering
they were remaindering
Past Perfect
I had remaindered
you had remaindered
he/she/it had remaindered
we had remaindered
you had remaindered
they had remaindered
I will remainder
you will remainder
he/she/it will remainder
we will remainder
you will remainder
they will remainder
Future Perfect
I will have remaindered
you will have remaindered
he/she/it will have remaindered
we will have remaindered
you will have remaindered
they will have remaindered
Future Continuous
I will be remaindering
you will be remaindering
he/she/it will be remaindering
we will be remaindering
you will be remaindering
they will be remaindering
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been remaindering
you have been remaindering
he/she/it has been remaindering
we have been remaindering
you have been remaindering
they have been remaindering
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been remaindering
you will have been remaindering
he/she/it will have been remaindering
we will have been remaindering
you will have been remaindering
they will have been remaindering
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been remaindering
you had been remaindering
he/she/it had been remaindering
we had been remaindering
you had been remaindering
they had been remaindering
I would remainder
you would remainder
he/she/it would remainder
we would remainder
you would remainder
they would remainder
Past Conditional
I would have remaindered
you would have remaindered
he/she/it would have remaindered
we would have remaindered
you would have remaindered
they would have remaindered
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.remainder - something left after other parts have been taken away; "there was no remainder"; "he threw away the rest"; "he took what he wanted and I got the balance"
component part, part, portion, component, constituent - something determined in relation to something that includes it; "he wanted to feel a part of something bigger than himself"; "I read a portion of the manuscript"; "the smaller component is hard to reach"; "the animal constituent of plankton"
leftover, remnant - a small part or portion that remains after the main part no longer exists
2.remainder - the part of the dividend that is left over when the dividend is not evenly divisible by the divisor
number - a concept of quantity involving zero and units; "every number has a unique position in the sequence"
3.remainder - the number that remains after subtraction; the number that when added to the subtrahend gives the minuend
balance - the difference between the totals of the credit and debit sides of an account
number - a concept of quantity involving zero and units; "every number has a unique position in the sequence"
4.remainder - a piece of cloth that is left over after the rest has been used or sold
piece of cloth, piece of material - a separate part consisting of fabric
Verb1.remainder - sell cheaply as remainders; "The publisher remaindered the books"
commerce, commercialism, mercantilism - transactions (sales and purchases) having the objective of supplying commodities (goods and services)
sell - exchange or deliver for money or its equivalent; "He sold his house in January"; "She sells her body to survive and support her drug habit"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


noun rest, remains, balance, trace, excess, surplus, butt, remnant, relic, residue, stub, vestige(s), tail end, dregs, oddment, leavings, residuum He gulped down the remainder of his coffee.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


What remains after a part has been used or subtracted:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
bakiyegeri kalanlar


A. N
1. (= part left over) → resto m
the remainder of the debtel resto de la deuda
during the remainder of the daydurante el resto del día
the remainder would not comelos otros or los demás no quisieron venir
2. (Math) → resto m
3. remainders (Comm) → artículos mpl no vendidos; (= books) → restos mpl de edición
B. VT [+ copies of book] → saldar
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(= rest) → reste m
(= unsold item) → invendu m
remainders in the bins of record stores → les invendus des bacs des disquaires
to be remaindered [unsold item] → être soldé(e)
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


Rest m (also Math); the remainder (= remaining people)der Rest, die übrigen (Leute); for the remainder of the weekfür den Rest der Woche, für die übrige Woche
remainders pl (Comm) → Restbestände pl; (= books)Restbestände pl, → Remittenden pl (spec)
(Jur) → Erbanwartschaft f
vt booksals Remittenden abgeben
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[rɪˈmeɪndəʳ] n the remainder (amount, also) (Math) → il resto, l'avanzo; (people) → i/le rimanenti pl remainders npl (Comm) (books) → remainder mpl; (other goods) → giacenze fpl di magazzino
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(rəˈmein) verb
1. to be left. Only two tins of soup remain; Very little remained of the cinema after the fire; A great many things still remain to be done.
2. to stay; not to leave. I shall remain here.
3. to continue to be. The problem remains unsolved.
reˈmainder (-də) noun
the amount or number that is left when the rest has gone, been taken away etc. I've corrected most of the essays – the remainder will get done tomorrow.
reˈmains noun plural
1. what is left after part has been taken away, eaten, destroyed etc. the remains of a meal.
2. a dead body. to dispose of someone's remains.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


n. resto, residuo.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
References in classic literature ?
"I, too, have a friend who must not be forgotten, but who is pledged to pass the remainder of her life with us.
You are now of an age to choose your line of life or at least make choice of a calling that will bring you honour and profit when you are older; and what I have resolved to do is to divide my property into four parts; three I will give to you, to each his portion without making any difference, and the other I will retain to live upon and support myself for whatever remainder of life Heaven may be pleased to grant me.
Besides, fictitious narratives lead us to imagine the possibility of many events that are impossible; and even the most faithful histories, if they do not wholly misrepresent matters, or exaggerate their importance to render the account of them more worthy of perusal, omit, at least, almost always the meanest and least striking of the attendant circumstances; hence it happens that the remainder does not represent the truth, and that such as regulate their conduct by examples drawn from this source, are apt to fall into the extravagances of the knight-errants of romance, and to entertain projects that exceed their powers.
Dash the nose from Phidias's marble Jove, and what a sorry remainder! Nevertheless, Leviathan is of so mighty a magnitude, all his proportions are so stately, that the same deficiency which in the sculptured Jove were hideous, in him is no blemish at all.
Business considerations claim the remainder of this page.
Of the fifty roubles I shall give Thedora three, and with the remainder make myself a plain, warm dress.
Here I was prevented from hearing the remainder of her speech, by the appearance of a very Handsome young Woman, who was ushured into the Room at the Door of which I had been listening.
Half the blacks ran away like rabbits; the remainder, greatly outnumbering Trent and his party, stood firm.
The remainder of this scene consisted entirely of raptures, excuses, and compliments, very pleasant to have heard from the parties; but rather dull when related at second hand.
Through the remainder of the night, I saw no more of my cousin.
The small amount of money that I had earned had been consumed by my stepfather and the remainder of the family, with the exception of a very few dollars, and so I had very little with which to buy clothes and pay my travelling expenses.
Tupman should be left at home in charge of the females; and that the remainder of the guests, under the guidance of Mr.