Big Blue

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Noun1.Big Blue - a reliable and deadly 15,000-pound fragmentation bomb that explodes just above ground with a large radius; the largest conventional bomb in existence; used in Afghanistan
antipersonnel bomb, anti-personnel bomb, daisy cutter, fragmentation bomb - a bomb with only 10 to 20 per cent explosive and the remainder consisting of casings designed to break into many small high-velocity fragments; most effective against troops and vehicles
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References in classic literature ?
"Middle height, slim and fair, with red goldy hair and big blue eyes; about thirty, I should say."
Often, as I still lay at the bottom and kept no more than an eye above the gunwale, I would see a big blue summit heaving close above me; yet the coracle would but bounce a little, dance as if on springs, and subside on the other side into the trough as lightly as a bird.
My nose looked like a big blue plum, and one eye was swollen shut and hideously discoloured.
Still more eagerly her big blue eyes tried to look in all directions at once, that no thing of beauty or interest in this wonderful house might be passed unseen.
That comes of having big blue eyes and loving music," said Jo, trying to soothe Beth, who trembled and looked more excited than she had ever been before.
"But, pa," asked Ida, with an air of innocent inquiry in her big blue eyes, "what are we to do when your commands and Mrs.
The worst was, that with his big blue eyes, and his polished head, and his long white hair, and his bottle-green legs stretched out before him, terminating in his easy shoes easily crossed at the instep, he had a radiant appearance of having in his extensive benevolence made the drink for the human species, while he himself wanted nothing but his own milk of human kindness.
He just sat by with his big blue eyes getting rounder every minute and lapped it up.
"A lot you care what he becomes!" she flashed, conflicting impulses contending for mastery, as Billy, now thoroughly awake and seeing his mother, began to cry, pleading to her with big blue eyes and out-stretched arms to take him.
As he spoke they were all checked by an unusual sight; the big blue policeman came round the corner of the crescent, running.
Maud was ready first, and holding up an oddly shaped linen bag, with a big blue F embroidered on it, demanded her story.
She looked a child; a pale-faced child with big blue eyes and a red mouth a little open showing a glimmer of white teeth.