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Adj.1.postictal - pertaining to the period following a seizure or convulsion; "postictal drowsiness"
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adj postictal
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Simple febrile seizure is defined as a short (<15 min) generalized seizure, not recurring within 24 h with no neurologic deficits and no previous afebrile seizures that occurs during a febrile illness not resulting from an acute disease of the nervous system and Complex febrile seizure is defined by focal, or generalized and prolonged seizure (>15 min), recurring more than once in 24 and/or associated with postictal neurologic abnormalities.
"The doctor was adamant that I was on drugs, due to being so postictal - an altered state of consciousness - after the seizure.
Neurologic examination after postictal period revealed loss of vision in both eyes with regard to perception of hand movements.
An EEG shows right hemispheric slowing consistent with postictal paralysis, but no ongoing seizure activity.
Diaphoresis, hyperthermia, hypertension, tachycardia, and tachypnea are more uniquely associated with PSH, while unusual ocular and oral movements, cyanosis, salivation, desaturations, and pupillary dilation characterized by a postictal period are more commonly associated with seizures, particularly generalized tonic-clonic seizures of childhood.
In this study we aimed to contribute to the existing literature by assessing postictal PEA levels, which are known to be correlated with inflammation and OS, to determine whether PEA levels may be used as a biomarker for the disorder
No twitching or seizure activity was witnessed by the responding crew, but an EMS physician medical director was on scene and concluded the child was postictal and that benzodiazepine was not indicated.
The postictal stage can include a deep sleep that lasts several hours to an entire day, confusion, and abnormal behavior, including ravenous hunger or complete anorexia, dilated pupils, and in some cases, blindness that will resolve.
After the event, the patient had difficulty breathing, erratic snoring and had no recollection of the event after a 25-minute postictal phase.
Other findings were seen in 22% cases--these included arachnoid cyst, basal ganglia edema, benign cerebellar tonsillar ectopia, calcified granuloma suggestive of ependymal cyst/choroid plexus cyst, choroid plexus cyst, confluent hyperintensity, cyst, diffuse cerebral atrophy, diffuse meningeal enhancement, gliotic changes, hyperintensities, ischemic patches suggestive of cerebral malaria, mesial temporal sclerosis, mild PVL, old infarct with gliosis, pachygyria, pansinusitis, postictal edema/ischemic changes, and viral encephalitis in one case each, and prominent CSF space in two cases, respectively.
A point to consider here is that these changes may be due to a postictal state.