

(Medicine) med following treatment in a hospital
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This could be viewed as a limitation in that PPVs are influenced by the underlying rates of readmission and posthospital death, whereas specificity is not.
For the remaining majority (N = 138), who were admitted to nursing facilities for an extended period, we assumed that HCBS preceded the nursing facility admission and we classified the individual as receiving HCBS posthospital discharge (Newcomer et al.
"Challenges in Posthospital Care: Nurses as Coaches for Medication Management."Journal of Nursing Care Quality 26 (3): 1-8.
"Posthospital Care Transitions: Patterns, Complications, and Risk Identification." Health Services Research 39 (5): 1449-66.
Increased efforts are needed to increase posthospital quality and environmental factors that likely contribute to observed postdischarge mortality rates.
"Finding the Right Level of Posthospital Care." Journal of the American Medical Association 305 (3): 284-93.
Implementation of payment reforms such as gain-sharing, bundling of payments for hospital and posthospital care, and creation of structures accountable for continuum of care services will incentivize optimal staffing to improve discharge processes, and achieve desired patient outcomes and cost savings (Guterman and Drake 2010).
Table 3 shows the distribution of responses to functional status questions for the pre- and posthospital periods.
The sleep characteristics in the present sample are consistent with those of other samples after TBI in posthospital phases.
Patient-centered community health worker intervention to improve posthospital outcomes: a randomized clinical trial.
([dagger][dagger]) The Coverdell program works with health systems across funded recipient states to gather data and drive quality improvement in the prehospital, inhospital, and posthospital care settings.
Brownlee et al showed that complication rates were significantly higher in patients experiencing posthospital syndrome in an ambulatory elective surgery setting.