


[ˈpəʊstɪmˈpɪərɪəl] ADJposimperial
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
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The British Museum's continuing posturing as a "museum of the world," stuffed full of objects taken with no moral authority, is a conceit that has no place in today's post-imperial world.
firmly believe that it is not a post-colonial and post-imperial church.
There were many concerns raised by the British public in the 2016 EU referendum, such as the state of our manufacturing and our industrial towns, and a feeling that our politicians had let us down and had lost the plot in our post-imperial journey.
The debacle of Britain's military intervention in 1956 in Egypt to try to retain control of the Suez Canal should have taught us that we were living in a new post-imperial age.
Opponents of Brexit say it is folly that will weaken the West, make Britain poorer and torpedo what remains of its post-imperial clout.
But the days of the Empire are long gone and the whimsical, post-imperial delusions of the hard Brexiteers do not survive the first contact with the hard reality of what lies in store in the event of the no-deal scenario that some of them appear to crave.
The book examines what the Russian provinces mean for national identity and cultural authenticity in the post-imperial and post-communist periods.
Contributors to Vamping the Stage situate their work within the debates on women in the colonial and post-imperial cultural landscape punctuated by revolution, Islamization, and capitalist development, paying careful attention to the role of agency in a public terrain keen to co-opt and exploit the power of the female voice.
These figures mock the plea made by Nigel Biggar, Oxford's regius professor of moral and pastoral theology and canon of Christ Church, that we "moderate our post-imperial guilt".
Highlighted that Russian post-imperial chauvinism attacked Ukraine and three year long war has resulted in the deaths of 10,000 people, the occupation of 7% Ukrainian territory and seizure, destruction or theft of 20 % of the Ukrainian economy was a big challenge for his country.